Monday, June 12, 2006

We interrupt this series with a brief word about our sponsor

Blogger! jesus hannah christ on a pogo stick! you've got more issues than National Geographic, and you've been undergoing more aggravating technical difficulties than the NY subway system! i am trying to be faithful here (well, no; more like, i'm so far too lazy to make the transfer to another system), but, dude, you are seriously tempting me.


  1. I didn't know that Typepad charged. After this week on Blogger, I seriously considered making the jump ...

  2. word. this shit's been driving me crazy.

  3. Ah, it begins. I was far too lazy for x amount of time, then I was just pushed that little bit too far and moved to WordPress.

    ...Which is, of course, run by little tinpot dictators like so much IT-related stuff but at least the software is robust, flexible and free. You can open a free account at or download the software for your own domain name at x
