Saturday, September 08, 2007

Kactus is fuckin' rad.

Even if, amazingly enough, she, like many of us who simply DGAS about all of it except "couldja PLEASE consider not being such a gratutiously invasive and condescending choad already, kthxbai", is not in fact a dead ringer for this person, this person, these people, or even these people. Aesthetically -or- ideologically. 'K?

"Whatever our other aims may have been, no one in the feminist movement ever thought you are what you wear. The only coherent fashion statement I can recall from the entire movement was that Mrs. Cleaver, Beaver's mom, would on the whole have been a happier woman had she not persisted in vacuuming while wearing high heels. This, I still believe."

--Molly Ivins


  1. Well, *I* am a dead ringer for a Pussycat Doll.

  2. I am too, but only ideologically. Specifically their insightful analysis of post-existentialism among contemporary French feminists and how in fact, contrary to appearance, the concept of the "abject" is subtly distinct from nihilism.

    tee fucking hee

  3. aesthetically i'm more in line with Bella Abzug.

  4. I'm more Bella Abzug if she dressed like a Pussycat Doll.

    Mainly, I am just shocked at how many grown-ass women use feminism as a excuse to act like 13 year olds.

  5. Vanessa:

    I just had the mental image of you in a Bauhaus T-shirt, cargo shorts, and combat boots singing "Doncha"...

    THAT would be a COOL video!

  6. well, V, my non work wardrobe generally consists of a Nitzer Ebb tank top and cut off cammos ;)

  7. This one time? At a Jimmy Carter for President rally? In Buffalo? Bella Abzug was taking questions from the audience and I asked her what her position was on the workers' control of the means of production. She gave me this great smirk.

    After reading the thread at Kactus', BD, I have to tell you that if I was at a party and met you with the word "DYKE" on your forehead in sparkleglitter, I'd totally have asked you if you wanted to go for coffee. I think, from a system dynamics perspective, that given my maleness that is what you call negative feedback. But it's sincere.
