Saturday, October 10, 2009

"Stop being so full of ressentiment, you ugly pathological lefties of subnormal intelligence. Shouting is viceful."

I found another fuckwit, y'all. Yes! On the Internets!! Inorite? I'm too lazy for a recap, I've been busy slapfighting with her, because I am out of chocolate and booze and it seemed like the thing to do, but here, enjoy.


Lucy said...

She's now calling me (and presumably you as well?) "emotionally wounded pagan fuckers". For a virtue ethicist she certainly seems lacking in virtues.

Lucy said...

Since she deleted this comment, I'll share it here (The "you" throughout refers to the dingleberry):

Actually I fuck an atheist. She would be the pagan fucker. I'm an emotionally wounded atheist fucker. As long as you seem to be interested in who I fuck, what kind of fucker are you?

And, your arguments don't have merit. You seem to have missed that point spectacularly. Your first point is invalid because Feministing may be able to do what they choose but they claim to actually care about disability as an intersecting oppression women face. Your second point is invalid because yelling is an appropriate reaction when the person one is yelling at hasn't paid attention when you were polite the many previous times you spoke to them about this very same thing (and it worked, btw). Your third point is invalid because working against injustice is not something one lets go. Failure to oppose injustice is a vice. Your fourth point is invalid because some of us actually do follow virtue ethics and find the idea that it means that you can't work against material injustice completely without merit. I know I'm loved. I also know that I'm oppressed by people like you.

I can't stand your pathologising of people you disagree with along with your ableist, sexualised insults. It displays a lack of following the very virtues you expound. If you don't want it to be about you, don't attack other people like you do all over this blog You constantly pathologise and judge others. And then you get upset when they judge you, claiming they don't know you, just like you don't know those you judge. Hypocrite.

I have no idea what she could have found offensive. ;-)

belledame222 said...

It -could- be the admission that you "fuck someone" crossed her "no explicit sexual comments!" frownie. Or it -could- be that, well, Dingleberry Logic Is Dingleberryish.

she is one strange little person, though.

elle said...

What a nasty little self righteous person. Ugh!

Alex Catgirl said...

I don't have time for morons like her as I've exceeded my dingleberry quota for the millenia already....and I can't post pictures in comments.

Why isn't the virtuous wingnut comparing butch lesbians to her peer group? The people of wally mart.

Lili said...

I responded to both. The comments probably won't get published but the broad is acting like she needs a sedative, some rest, a drink, or something.

I wonder does she know that she rants like a 2-year-old protesting a nap?

Lefties and "ugly" lesbians.ROFL.

I wonder if I sent her my pic if she'd offer up a rewrite? Oh right in her world bisexual women probably don't really exist...

Anonymous said...

Well yanno I have pretty hair and I wish everyone else had pretty hair - but since they don't I think I'll just disassociate myself from them and .. oh god I can't .. too much to snark on

antiprincess said...

yeah, right? where do you begin?

I'm inclined to whomp her up a good lecture on Andrea Dworkin's Real vs True...but somehow I doubt it would help.

'scuse me...gotta go address my two year old's reasoned and logical critique of The Nap...

Comrade PhysioProf said...


Lili said...

LOL true!

Nick Manley said...

I can see you haven't lost your signature combativeness : )

Brief thought about the post: it seems she's condescendingly criticizing a broad brush of people for allegedly being condescending....


I think screaming out your opponent as a substitute for actual thought is stoopid. It's not confined to people on the left though. It tis a common feature of debate throughout history ~ a notable fascist tactic actually.

Nick Manley said...

BTW I am not referencing the particular woman she has an issue with.

Just a generic point...

Nick Manley said...

BTW I am not referencing the particular woman she has an issue with.

Just a generic point...

Kristen said...

Wow...reminds me of a comment I recently put up at Ren's new place on the nature of humanity...

Some people are just shit bags. Full stop. I suppose if I were a truly good person, I'd find away to empathize with her, but alas I'm not that good a person...

As for being an ethicist, my SO is one and even though he acknowledges that logic tends to be a distinct failing in his area, he still thinks this person is an insult to "profession".

belledame222 said...

AP! :D

antiprincess said...

mWAH, belle!

it's so tempting to go back and get involved in that.

what is an ethicist, anyway? what does an ethicist do all day?

belledame222 said...

Be...ethical. Do ethical things, in an ethical way. Sheesh. If you have to ask...

belledame222 said...

Oh, well, it was fun while it lasted:

buttersisonlymyname says:
I’ve addressed everything a million times, and you lot are persistent in your stupidity.

Talk to yourselves now. I shouldn’t have condescended to speak to idiots anyway.

Lili said...

Oh my goodness her feelings are hurt. Told you she needed a nap...

Kristen said...

I couldn't help myself, I had to snark back at my place...(not that anyone will read it, lol)

I don't know how to trackback with the bloggy thing, but consider this a trackback.

belledame222 said...

Apparently, this is what she means by "ethics." "

Quoting Scheler, whom I do not know (presumably he was great fun at parties):

‘Thus the “altruistic” urge is really a form of hatred, of self-hatred, posing as its opposite (”Love”) in the false perspective of consciousness. In the same way, in ressentiment morality, love for the “small,” the “poor,” the “weak,” and the “oppressed” is really disguised hatred, repressed envy, and impulse to detract, etc., directed against the opposite phenomena: “wealth,” “strength,” “power,” “largesse.“‘


she goes on:

What I have found in ressentiment people is that the urge to negation is so strong in them it is almost overwhelming, manifesting ultimately in self-destructive practices of asceticism, but more mildly in political oppositionism and counterculture. It is a violent, lower-vital (i.e. animal-like, ignoble and undisciplined affect) spewing, a sort of churning of the intestines. It is, at its heart, perpetual neurosis.

Note: I came up with neologisms for neurosis, sort of casually and in conversation. They are: ’stomach-churny’, aka ’stomach squeezy’, sometimes ’squeezy squeezy’, and other times just ’squeezy’. Haha, this is so funny now that I’m reading it .

...Sometimes helping others can step out of that neutral territory of ‘just work’ into spiritual territory. I thought, for example, that the Fistula Foundation shown in A Walk to Beautiful was heartwarming and deeply spiritual. If I could initiate or play a major role in a project like that, I would certainly love to. To nurture others is a wonderful experience and only adds to a person’s bliss, and this can become the centerpiece of certain types of charity and social work. For your average activist, on the other hand, the landscape is nothing but swamps, which he loves to wade through being the masochist and pervert that he is."


I don't -think- that's "Melancholy Baby..."

belledame222 said...

curiously, the idea that one helps other people for their own sake and not for the relative feelings of tummy-churning or bliss it gives oneself appears to be absent from her philosophy.

Solipsism is sad. :(

Alon Levy said...

Meh. Yeah, the second post, about how lesbians look, is stupid. But the first one is just meh. Ideally, Feministing will close down and Jessica Valenti will feel so embarrassed about what she's written that she'll sell her possessions, don a sackcloth, and move to Papua New Guinea to do charity work. Which sets of views she chooses to censor (and she does censor things both overtly and covertly) doesn't affect much.

CrackerLilo said...

Just so you know, this made me laugh hard enough to scare the cats:

“Just Fucking Google It” is -also- one of the Virtues. Plato said so and everything.

People who cherish their own cruelty and ignorance annoy the living shit out of me.

CrackerLilo said...

Ugh...I just read the second one, about how lesbians uglify the world. You know, my wife shaves her head--technically, I do it. I'd like to see what she looked like with her hair grown out since it's gotten curly, but it's more important to me that she likes what she sees in the mirror. Anyway, it's fun to kiss. The even better best part about L'Ailee's little bald head is that her amazing, observant, analytical, compassionate brain is inside, and not anything remotely like what that bitch has got.

Your comment about the woman's partner seeming to like how she looks just fine is exactly what was springing to my mind. And I'd about bet the hypothetical farm that the butch woman on the motorcycle, not to mention the gorgeous bald semi-butch woman in the sewing room upstairs, has more and better sex than this self-proclaimed leader of the lesbian beauty police ever thought of. Beauty's skin deep, but this woman's ugly goes down to the bone!

belledame222 said...

She's also a pious anti-BDSMer, natch; while many of her arguments are drearily familiar I will give her that I don't think I've ever seen "BDSM is idol worship" before.

Lucy said...

"BDSM is idol worship"? That is a new one. Love the Christian intersectionalism.

Kristen said...

what is an ethicist, anyway? what does an ethicist do all day?

My SO's answer: "Generally its chronic unemployment or giving major corporations cover by developing "ethics policies" that no one ever reads. If you're in academia its, spending way too much time listening to your self talk (or write)and assuming that your drivel is the Truth, so saith the ethicist."

He's cute isn't he?

Alon Levy said...

I don't know if your SO is cute - I'm a terrible judge of men's looks. But he's right on target.

English/gender studies major: philosophy is bullshit.
Me: that's what they say about lit crit.
EGSM: yes, but there you have to bullshit about a text.

Dw3t-Hthr said...

Would you believe I have a rant in the blog from a while back about idol worship?

And I'm left with ... y'know, a beloved partner has more there to venerate than, well, a fatuous pillock. But it's nice to have someone ranting about the evils of sacred respectfulness in BDSM rather than all of that degradation bullshit; hell, that might even accidentally almost address something this hierodoule actually does, which would be a neat fucking trick for teh intarwebs.

Alon Levy said...

Hierodoule? Is that, like, hieroglyph + douche?

Butters said...

Despite your friends' having called me names, I still don't think you're all bad.

I rather enjoyed our exchanged actually :)

(I'm putting a smile there, but it's not passive-aggressive)

FoolishOwl said...

Scheler sounds kinda Ayn Rand-ish.

Butters said...

Actually I wasn't complaining, I was just telling belledame222 that I don't begrudge the bad behaviour of her friends, and that in fact, I don't dislike her at all.

You really ought to mind your own business. But you're not going to, are you...

Butters said...

I'm offering a friendly hand to you, belledame222, and I want you to know that there are no hard feelings.

Lucy said...


It's funny you talk about minding one's own business when you see fit to lay into someone for an issue that you admit you have no interest in let alone knowledge of, calling that person "Batshit Crazy Lady" among other things, and proceeding to condescendingly pathologise her and everyone who agrees with her. Frankly, you brought this on yourself. Your lack of self-awareness as to the hypocrisy inherent in your words and actions has been particularly mock-worthy, for which I'm most grateful as it has been very entertaining and has the high irony content I find quite nourishing. Thanks for that.

Butters said...


That was very clever. Now please shut up as I'm trying to talk to belledame222 here, not you.

Lucy said...


I'm not just trying to be clever. I'm trying to politely call you a troll who somehow thinks the world should listen to her and do what she says. Now, what was that kind of attitude called? Ressentiment or something like that?

If you wanted to have a private conversation with Belldame, I advise email. This is a blog, so people comment. Belle may ask me to shut up at her place, but you don't get to do that. I can see why you favour solipsism as you don't seem to play well with others.

Butters said...

Lol. This is like trying to talk a grown-up, and having pesky children constantly interrupt.

Well you guys can continue doing whatever interesting activities you were engaging in (slicing off your own penises or whatever), but I'm just going to assume that my friendly offer to belledame222 was acknowledged by her.

I state once again, and after this I will not be visiting this comments page:

There are no hard feelings, belledame222: you don't strike me as a bad person. If you want to comment on my blog again, feel free (as long as you don't put abusive comments, which I screen out).


Lucy said...

Oh, look, transmisogyny. Sure didn't see that one coming. I guess Butters showed me.

CrackerLilo said...

I state once again, and after this I will not be visiting this comments page:

Oh please don't throw me into the briar patch!

Wow, it must hurt to contain that much hate toward that many people.

Ravenmn said...

Belle, how DO you do it? You call Butters a fuckwit and instigate this wonderful bitchfest and then Butters pops wanting to be friends? Considering all the insults she throws around, you know that this:

"you don't strike me as a bad person"

is probably the nicest thing she can come up with in describing someone other than herself.

AP! You are as funny as ever!

As to the post referenced, I think Butters has been hanging around with liberals and middle class twits. I've rarely met a leftist activist who whines or demands privileges. Activism is about doing something to change the world ourselves. I guess she missed that part. :)

belledame222 said...

omg. I was reading my comments backward through email and I was about to say, well technically butters didn't troll me, and then, um, wow. boggleboggle

and yeah, you'd be banned anyway for the transmisogyny alone. more "humor," I take it.

and of course she kind of likes me; I just brought her more attention and traffic than she's probably gotten in a year. *sigh*

belledame222 said...

at minimum I expect it'd be fair to say I brought this one on myself. damn, though.

belledame222 said...

Raven: Inorite? Maybe it's one of her spiritual-type exercises. Or maybe energy creature is energy creature. but um, yeah, hahaha.

belledame222 said...

anyway, I'm a liberal and a middle class twit, and you can shoot me if I ever get as douchey as this person.

Ravenmn said...

Yeah, but you're the nice liberal, middle-class twit! :)

belledame222 said...

-goes all verklempt-

Alon Levy said...

Lol. This is like trying to talk a grown-up, and having pesky children constantly interrupt.

When Christopher Hitchens is being a blowhard, you can excuse it by saying he's drunk. You have no such recourse.

Lili said...

Wow I bet she's riding a sweet high right now. An "any attention is good attention" sort of thing?

You know she's gonna take the whole thread and put it on her site saying how "reasonable" she was and how (fill in the blanks) Belles folks were...

Do not feed the beast lol (and yeah she's gonna be checking this site every few minutes to see if she's mentioned.)

So to make your day...Hi Butters you freaking nutbag!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for linking that, I had a lot of fun over there. Also a lot of "grrr, shutupyounastynastyperson", but a lot of fun.

I was LOL-ing a lot at your comments on the "ressentiment" one, BD, nice going!

I also had fun composing calm, logical and clear refutations of every point in the OPs. Here's my favourite passage from what I wrote on the lesbian pic one, referencing research I once saw reported on a TV documentary series about disgust:

If disgust is not, in fact, innate then your appeal to the statement, “The response of everyone is immediate disgust, and later pretense to acceptance based on a (false) ideological position” suddenly falls flat on its face, because that immediate disgust is not a true reaction but something that has been taught.

Instead, the people whose reaction you call “based on a (false) ideological position” might actually be closer to Truth and Beauty than yours, because they have seen immediate disgust as an inherently dishonest reaction that has been overlaid upon their true appreciation of the Beauty within that scene.

I really hope that messes with her mind so much she can't cope and just melts down or something!

belledame222 said...

She, um, responded. b-b-b-b-b

belledame222 said...

actually, you know who she should totally hook up with? Van Douche.

Anonymous said...

She, um, responded. b-b-b-b-b

Erm... just... wow. That's an all-new flavour of speshul she's created there, I think.

It's as though someone took the jigsaw puzzle of philosophical thought and used a hammer to force pieces together just weren't meant to fit that way.

I loved the comment about everybody going and setting up hospitals for free instead of being activists - because, of course, if you are Light and Fluffy and Spiritually Good, then you don't need to worry about paying for bricks, mortar, concrete, MRI scanners - or food to eat to stay alive...

Ravenmn said...

"if you are Light and Fluffy and Spiritually Good, then you don't need to worry about paying for bricks, mortar, concrete, MRI scanners - or food to eat to stay alive..."

That, plus the idea that activists have to be pure in thought word and deed before they have any real effect. I credit Leslie Marmon Silko's "Almanac of the Dead" for curing me of that silly notion.

Snowdrop, that's awesome writing over there. I especially loved your take on the nipple-grabbing rabble!

Helen said...

I have been reading this in a mouth-hanging-open way because I have never seen anyone as openly and gratuitously rude, I think. Well, I've seen some abusive and CAPSLOCK type stuff, of course, but I don't think I've ever seen someone behave quite like this. And they describe themself as an ethicist in training, philosopher and seeker of truth and beauty. MmmmmmmmOK.

Very, very strange.

Anonymous said...

I want to tell that person that I feel sorry for her being so fucking ignorant, but her comments are moderated and my earlier criticism was ignored. She says that's the worst thing one can do to someone, have pity. I say we all pity the crap out of her for being a sad, sad human being. That's what I'll do.

EthylBenzene said...

Belle said:
"and of course she kind of likes me; I just brought her more attention and traffic than she's probably gotten in a year. *sigh*"

Not from me you didn't! I value my sanity more than I value going to boggle at this crap. I do enjoy the snark here, of course :)

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