Particularly for the profiteers off the current system and the politicians who are ranting about socialism and so on whilst comfortably partaking of government funded health care (the best there is!) for their very own worthless caracasses.
In it, this spot in hell, they all get infected with each and every one of the diseases that they deemed not worthy of coverage for someone, and are chained Tantalus-like inches away from someone holding out the required meds/ treatment.
Then they're told they can have the treatment if they fill out all the paperwork...in blood. Except by the time they finish one form
they're told that form is now obsolete and they have to start over from scratch.
I'm just saying. You know, in case the threats of political stonewalling and marches and petitions and shit don't work out.
Excellent health care, which -we pay for-, with those taxes that they so fervently decry. You'd think anyone who hates government that much would find some other field to -work in and profit off of,- yes?
Then they're told they can have the treatment if they fill out all the paperwork.
You forgot the part about them having to crawl through burning excrement, face first while chained to the table before they can sign...as pychotic catgirls puncture their internal organs with stiletto heels.
Very important detail.
Ah, good point -makes note of it-
It's always the privileged elite who insist the "little people" have no right to unnecessary things like a living wage, health care, shelter, food, etc. They whine about "socialism" and "welfare" and decry any attempts to aid the needy. What's most frustrating, as you pointed out, is how many of these SOBs are living off the taxpayers while doing so.
Well plenty of good material in this post, but I am not sure if Obama's plan qualifies as meaningful healthcare reform.
Looks like the erection of a government bureaucracy to exist alongside the bureaucracy of non-governmental organization. There are apparently some rat bastards in the Democratic Party who want to make buying health insurance mandatory. That will be a great boon to middle to upper middle class government bureaucrats and existing insurance companies. It just goes to show that politicians mostly operate as abusive parents.
People who advocate the forced buying of health insurance are NOT liberals. They can join the politicians you mention in hell too.
Wow!! I know who you're referencing even better now. There are apparently GOP "protester mobs"...
Civil war over healthcare reform?
In bizarro reality: the Obama admin "left" is "da man" and staunch Republicans are rowdy "hippie protesters".
I wonder what my Ron Paulite associates think of all this.
...they're told that form is now obsolete and they have to start over from scratch.
...just seconds before their insurer cuts them off entirely for failing to disclose extreme 'assholitus' as a pre-existing condition that they all suffer from.
I was just about to toss out my computer when I found this blog. I was thinking to myself: "I have to pay taxes to bail out the big 3?-check. I have to pay taxes to bail out the banks?-check. But when I WANT to pay whatever I need to to make sure that I have health coverage I have to watch a screaming eternal wrestling cage match session?"
Go ahead pull out ALL of the stops- race,religion, whatever, grab the chairs and start swinging;while people die from poor or nonexistent care. REALLY? Sigh...
Glad to be of service, Lili. Welcome. And to Kvatch, and to anyone else I may not have said hey to before.
Nick: I didn't say Obama's plan was ideal, but I can't totally fault him for it when it's clear that even this degree of watered-down is being met with as though he were suggesting ritual sacrifice of the wingers' firstborn. quite literally by now, I'll bet. There is a case to be made that since it was going to be that way anyway, he/they may as well have set the bar higher to begin with, knowing whatever it was would be "compromised" within an inch of its life, but, well, he doesn't roll that way, I guess.
I don't get the Ron Paul thing at all, I'm afraid.
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I absolutely agree with you!
It can't work in actual fact, that's what I think.
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