Wednesday, September 10, 2008

...I thought we had already determined the answer is "42."

Did we really need to "imperil the earth?"

and I mean, really, wouldn't you think: you've seen one particle pile-up, you've seen them all? a bit like arguments on the Internets really...and yet, still, you think, THIS time, I might actually figure out the Meaning Of Life! if I could only -understand- WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE, and WHY.


J. Goff said...

Well, just to say, there is, in quantum mechanics, a probability that is not zero that anything and everything might occur, given a current situation physically. The chances of the LHC putting the earth in peril is similar to that of an elephant randomly appearing above my head, then squashing me flat.

And the LHC is actually a bit different than the experiments they've done before in that the particles they are colliding are more massive.

Just to say, Brookhaven, which is roughly 25 miles away from NYC, I believe, has been conducting the same type of experiments, with smaller massed particles, for a long time. No black holes yet.

Roland Hulme said...

I would LOVE them to create a new big bang and destroy the universe - except we wouldn't be alive to go up to the insane right wing christian nutjobs and shout: "THERE! I told you! Big bang, dude. Intelligent design is just a bunch of rubbish."

Anonymous said...

j. goff: ... now I'm afraid of elephants. thanks.

Most of the LHC fear is based around how scary a black hole is, but the scientists involved have noted that they actually have been creating black holes all the time for study. Very very very small ones, about the same size that the LHC might produce. They also note that collisions far more powerful occur in the atmosphere all the time, but they can't isolate what they want in all the noise that is produced.

belledame222 said...

-glances above Jack's head, nervously-


belledame222 said...

they actually have been creating black holes all the time for study. Very very very small ones

so THAT'S where my cat goes when I can't find him. -nods-

also, socks.

queen emily said...

Physics doesn't exist, it's all gnomes.

Anonymous said...
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achoiceofweapons said...

So Long and thanks for all the fish!

Jasmine said...

I find it funny how people who know very little or nothing about physics consider themselves worthy of getting all worked up about this. Let me clue you in...

In order to create the kind of black hole that sucks in everything around it and from which not even light can escape - the kind of black hole you see in sci-fi - the kind which is actually dangerous - you would need to assemble enough "stuff" to equal the mass of a very large star, and then collapse all that stuff into a singularity. This is obviously impossible to accomplish anywhere on Earth. There just isn't enough stuff available.

However, I think these experiments are a waste of money. We are not going to find the Theory of Everything, and if we do, it is highly unlikely that it will have any practical application.