"Rob-Rob-Rob, stop right there-Rob-ROB-STOP-RIGHT-THERE!"
Yeah, Rob. What do you mean, Rob, by coming on MY show and criticizing MY book, Rob, which, Rob, not only has played a huge role in saving Christmas, Rob, but is absolutely A-100% Totally True, Rob, and not at all made up, Rob, how DARE you call me a liar, Rob!! ROB!! Wanna step outside, ROB?? Want me to sue you, ROB? HUH, ROB? HUH??? --okay, Rob, we're done. Gary. ROB.
actual transcript here, but, honestly, it's not that far off.
The Carpetbagger has an amusing postcript on that piece, with a cameo appearance by Rob Boston himself in the comments section. He used the occasion to plug his own book, "Close Encounters With the Religious Right." It looks like a rollicking read; I think I may get it.
1 comment:
"Rob, Rob, Rob, Rob, Rob, Rob -- you're .. GLIB!"
Even assuming he made up all the "evidence" in the book, which I'm assuming he did, how does he get an ENTIRE BOOK out of it? Does it have really really really wide margins?
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