See, that proves it, though: it's -good- to use "douchebag" as an insult, because what you're actually saying is
"Dave? I need you like I need Lysol in my cooch. Byieeeeeeee!"
h/t various folks on Twitter including Neil Gaiman.
ETA: if you're interested in this kind of thing, Pink Think has more. and yes, I believe the book includes the Lysol douche ad, albeit not that particular iteration, with the locks.
All right. "You bet your sweet Telex Operator" is totally my new favourite catchphrase.
I have to admit, I do love these old ads.
I'd write more but I have to go douche with Lysol now.
My legs, like, reflexively crossed! (It may provide context if I state that I am allergic to Lysol.)
I hope any real-life "Daves" ended up reflexively crossing their legs, too.
Douching in general is so bad for women in most cases that I'm okay with "douchebag" as an insult, though I hardly ever use it. I'm filing this under "It's a wonder our ancestors managed to reproduce!"
The lulz! The lulz!
Has the radfemosphere gone all to popcorn? I'm tempted to deposit an ellipsis there.
What's wrong, mandos, Lysol douche ads not entertainment enough for ye?
...okay, that IS rather amusing. I mean, considering that TF was played out three years ago.
The Lysol ad is hilarious and cringe-inducing indeed, but I had already seen it. You were scooped by Amanda Marcotte a year ago.
I was waiting for you to reach that comment though. The lulz really broke open at that one.
Thing is, the social breakdown has lately been accelerated, so I've been paying closer attention. When a group without real power (at least in the direct political and economic senses) starts eating at itself like that, there are lessons to be learned. They kind of remind me of Euripides' Trojan Women, only without a Troy to watch burn.
I guess there are more differences than that. Like who would be throwing Astüanax off the wall in their version?
OK, I'll stop with the dead mouse delivery for a while. :) For a while.
gee, if only I'd been reading Amanda. reposting old material, I must not be one of the cool kidz anymore. boo hoo
yes, exactly like the Trojan Women. sort of in the same way that i am exactly like Marie of Romania, and my cat is exactly like Hamlet.
I knew I'd get a reaction out of you for mentioning AM.
Your cat is exactly like Hamlet?
I learned that bacon cures cancer on a blog recently, so anything is possible.
oh yeah? works for me. -gets skillet, pre-emptively-
yes, existential dilemmas, long speeches, broody, chases own tail, meows for food in the morning. exactly like Hamlet.
The great thing about "douche" as an insult is that it works beautifully in many compounds other than just "douchebag"
To wit:
douchey mcdoucherson
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