(suddenly wishes she had the Photoshop skillz to similarly conceive a new take on "exeunt, pursued by a bear.")
h/t fastlad.
ETA: also thanks to fastlad, who really needs to update more often: wow, this DOES explain everything!
...we've all got something to grind.
PMSL at both!!
Holy fucknoly!!! Oded is my best friend's cousin!!!! I never knew he was so funny!
Really?? Oh, that's awesome. I've been watching the rest of his videos--they rock, too.
Yeah! I had no idea he was even a performer.
Speaking of Fur(r)ies, I know you don't like links to the chasingmoksha set, but I can't resist dropping this one in urlshrink mode for indirection:
Someone (M*** S*******) has competition in the "most likely to unleash The Virus" sweepstakes!
haha, took me a second; nice rewording of the link, there. and, uh...well, she's certainly -something-, isn't she.
"Cake, or Death? Or Male Infanticide? P.S. We're Out Of Cake."
godDAMit mandos.
"So a true feminist revolution will *require* throwing out all the “good” stuff too — marriage, heterosexual-style coupling, romance, motherhood-as-ownership, the nuclear family, the meritocracy, nannies, Wal-Mart, Merry Maids, etc. All those things are responsible for women’s oppression."
God, yes. You forgot PIV-intercourse-for-shits-and-grins, too. That’s another “good” that’s gotta go (thank god I never enjoyed it to begin with). Sperm causes pregnancies, women. If you’re lucky enough to have a say in the matter of whether or not sperm nears your vulva, and you say yes, any resultant pregnancy is anything but “unexpected.” It may very well be unwanted. But “unexpected” is a stretch unless you’re so deprived as to not know that sperm causes pregnancy (in which case you probably didn’t have much of a say in whether or not that sperm would near your vulva, which means you’re not the subject of this thread anyway).
Women being fucked by men should expect to get pregnant, barring physiological problems. What they shouldn’t expect is any sort of predictable response from the sire.
“Good man” = oxymoron, indeed, Kitty.She's like the cultfem Jack D. Ripper. She like sprang fully hatched from Rush Limbaugh's forehead.
...I should amend, though, and say that any stimulation of a penis whatsoever which is likely to result in ejaculation should be avoided at all costs, even if the penis never enters the birth canal. Sperm can propel themselves great distances to reach the uterus.I take it back. Did I say Jack D. Ripper? This is, like, some cutting-room floor scene from Woody Allen's "Everything You Wanted To Know About Sex..."
-pictures hordes of determined, tiny little suited 'sperm' leaping on springs after the clueless woman who's just given some man a handjob whilst fully dressed, following her down the block, into the grocery store...
I hope my link shows up in her logs.
IIRC note the reference to the "birth canal" intended to...emphasize it's proper gynocentric use?
I shudder to think... are the people on that blog saying Twisty's not a real radfem because she doesn't want "liberation from men"?
god mandos, you're like my cat bringing me dead mice or something.
dead mice with hantavirus, that is.
But don't I bring you the finest in rubberneckery? And these people have gone through multiple filters, even fighting with other radfems, that they have a special brand of their own.
I feel like I've seen this somewhere before, but it gets funnier every time!
BTW, as for Twisty, they've just belatedly cottoned on to fact that Twisty is actually a metatrolling performance artist who probably believes the inner nugget of what she says, but is still just using her commentariat for her entertainment, mostly. And you know how disillusionment goes.
It's like all those people who thought that Twisty was banning me because she was *on their side*, their *hero*, not because it was the funniest thing to do at the moment.
Re the infanticide business, I now understand the context of all of that. Somewhere else, they're having an enormous flamewar starting with *Satsuma*. Yes, it really does all boil down to Satsuma. And it's class A rubbernecking, right down to the meta-acknowledgement that they are providing the rest of us with class A rubbernecking...
Here's how I understand it goes (it's very convoluted):
Satsuma (under another known name) declares that she doesn't want to have sex with women who've been "contaminated" by sex with men. Ultra-Radfem blogosphere immediately divides into a camp comprising of Heart, Satsuma, and polly styrene, and another camp consisting of the AROOO crowd incomding M. S and Margaret. The latter make comments about male infanticide, which further enrage the former (ie, Heart is aghast at male infanticide, which surely puts her in the camp of the male-identified sellouts).
Now it took me a bit of headscratching to figure out what the connection between "contaminated women" and male infanticide was. But astonishingly, there is one, and it makes sense. Here's how it goes:
If you believe that heterosexuality is a form of abuse perpetrated by men with their dagger-like violence parts, then it must be that women are actually all lesbians some of whom have been forced or fooled into believing that they are het. Then every the birth of every penis raises the likelihood that some vagina will be turned away (by violence) from its true lesbian destiny. Then male infanticide is a form of self-defense by lesbianity. This is the People's Liberatio...er, the AROOO camp.
But if you believe that heterosexuality is a legitimate choice, then some women *are* different from lesbians. Then a previously heterosexual women becoming a lesbian is not *returning* to her true nature, she is assuming another nature. That nature may carry "baggage" from her original heterosexuality. Then there's a risk she is "contaminated" by heterosexual thinking. Then there isn't a necessary negative connection between men and lesbianity, so at *best* male infanticide is a less relevant act. (Or, to the credit of the Judean Peo...I mean Heart et al., the abhorrent embrace of violence that it is.)
This is now the Satsuma Divide.
The response of the AROOO camp is to say that, well, of *course* they weren't *actually* planning of climbing into Heart's house and strangling her sons, but if you can't *talk* about doing to males what males do to females, what kynnova radfem are you? They were just *saying*...
And so it goes.
They refer to Heart as Earth Mother now. Charming. I never thought I'd feel very sympathetic to her, but they've managed to do it.
I read it, or skimmed it. yes, it's quite the spectacle.
As per l'affaire Twisty, hate to break it to you mandos, but I have a feeling they've all pretty much forgotten all about you.
can't say I'm particularly sympathetic towards Heart, but then "Earth Mother" is a lot more polite than other things I've called her in the past. also a lot more polite than what Kitty's capable of when she truly gets going, mind you.
overall it's sort of like watching Michael Savage and Fred Phelps tag-teaming Fox News Channel. the latter only looks marginally (har) more sympathetic/sane by contrast.
I'm just sort of enjoying the spectacle of
Heart going "now wait a minute, -infanticide?- -Girl- infanticide, yet? Why, that's just -crazy talk.-"
Not that I don't believe she actually has a problem with this, but, y'know.
and then chasingfuckwit & whosit going "it was just an -idea!- -God-, you can't even make a -wish- around here without the Patriarchy Fuckers coming down and repressing you! It's never gonna happen, so why's everyone all bent out of shape, hunh? I mean, it's perfectly REASONABLE to fantasize about infanticide every once in a while! I mean, -be fair-. clearly you sheep aren't RADICAL enough to even GO THERE."
anyway I just want to say that the image referenced by the OP title feels oddly, increasingly apt, somehow.
That's as good a summation of the radfem fetishization and appropriation of lesbian identities* as I've ever seen.
I mean, I realize that there are actual radical feminist lesbians who don't choose the identity for political reasons, and who don't try to lay down limits on what constitutes a proper lesbian identity, but at the same time, a lot of heterosexual cis women in radical feminism sure do seem obsessed with claiming lesbian identities as belonging to them.
BD: That's why I decided to hijack this thread. The picture is a perfect representation of the FAIL involved in all of this. I'm just waiting for AROOO itself to schism. I mean, I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that they're fantasizing about male infanticide AND Kitty is apparently married or something. Talk about compartmentalization?
then it must be that women are actually all lesbians some of whom have been forced or fooled into believing that they are het.
Mandos, Jill Johnston first laid out this concept in LESBIAN NATION. (I doubt these janey-come-latelies know that, but I'm just adding footnotes here.)
-pictures hordes of determined, tiny little suited 'sperm' leaping on springs after the clueless woman who's just given some man a handjob whilst fully dressed, following her down the block, into the grocery store...LMAO
I'm telling you, Woody Allen would've included it if he'd thought of it.
Yeah, the honeymoon ending between Margie and Kitty? Two of the most misanthropic and paranoid people around? What are the odds?
..I meant the miniature sperm-as-fleas bit, not the Jill Johnston bit.
-now pictures a cross between Allen and Johnston.
"Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Radical Lesbian Feminist Sex But Were Too Influenced By Internalized Patriarchal Objectification To Ask."
...right, i gotta go lie down now.
yeah, last I was aware of, Kitty was still married. who knows. i mean, like it'd make any sense if she -weren't-...
(idly wonders if she complains/ed about his "nasty bleach smell" (another Kittyism from the last time i checked in there when they were complaining about the influx of "male-women" and "patriarchy fuckers.")
For a completely different kind of rubbernecking, I've been following this crazy debate in the National Catholic Register on the snowflake baby phenomenon. How many embryos can dance on the head of a pin?
oh god. "snowflake babies." talk about your creepy fetishizations. some people should really stick to baby dolls, if they want cute and inanimate...
This nuptial meaning of the body, by definition, includes not simply the promise of spouses to engage in conjugal acts only with one another, but that one's reproductive organs — what constitutes the entire masculine and feminine word —is also inherent to their nuptial communion.
The wife has no right to use her reproductive powers outside the sphere of her marital commitment. The husband has no right to give her permission to do so. Her reproductive powers are constitutive of her nuptial word already handed over to her husband. Her status as wife is linked by natural law and the sacramental truth of her body to her motherhood. There's a direct moral, not simply biological, relation between the conjugal act and the womb.
This is why nuns and single woman may not permit their wombs to be used to gestate an orphaned embryo or an unborn baby whose mother is unable to carry him.guess the next Virgin Mary (or Agnes, or Brittany, or whomever) is SOL then
okay, why is blogspot now erasing the space between italic-tagged quotage and the next paragraph? it keeps doing that. v. annoying.
No but you missed the important part. It's OK to thaw them out, even though they'll die. Because they're people, so it's better for them to die than be frozen.
See, the Church conservatives *oppose* the snowflake baby phenom. It's the liberal wing of the conservatives who endorse it.
It's been doing that for some time now. They should institute the blockquote tag.
Something even wackier. A well-known Canadian wingnut (well, in Canada) happily makes the argument for forced breastfeeding as a natural and acceptable extension of pro-life arguments.
She calls her blog "Big Blue Wave." Canadian feminist bloggers call it BLOB BLOGGING WINGNUT.
The comments are an extensive discussion of it. A BnR friend casually converts the discussion to one about an *old man* in the same situation. Would she lactate for the old man...?
Yeah, I was -just- coming back to note, o wow, I missed the money quote! so, that IS what they're saying. I thought so, but wasn't sure with all the dogmatic squid-ink. um, wow. that's, well, rather fascinating. I wonder if he's right? (that that's how Pope Palpatine will go). If so, that could be...interesting.
if they're smart they'll just avoid the issue till after he croaks. who knows...
okay yeah, thanks for the warning, not gonna look at that.
-forced- breastfeeding?- how does that work, exactly?
It didn't use to, though, with the italics quote; it used to work just fine wrt the spacing.
I'll tell you what, I'd be really surprised if it's just the liberal-to-moderate Catholics who'd have a problem with this: I can't imagine most of the Protestant pro-lifers, even the really conservative ones (up to the fringiest of the fringe, I guess) would be anything but horrified by that.
has that made the rounds? because, you know...the whole Protestant-fundie/Catholic kiss-and-make-up over the abortion issue has been pretty recent; I'm guessing there's a lot of ugly anti-Catholic sentiment that could come pouring out if this position really ends up becoming official dogma.
I lied. I looked anyway. no pic in evidence thus far. really stupid post, though.
"But if you had a brother, would -he- like herring?"
no, dumber than that. I mean--oh, whatEVer, let us all know when that actually happens, all right? not that us heartless pro-aborts wouldn't just cruelly laugh and, like, EAT it, drinking our own milk to wash it down, but.
If you want the italics to work well, parse them the following way:
your comment
Mandos: I only read the first third or so of the NC Register article - it was too legalistic and boring. I don't think anyone not named Ross Douthat cares much what the church said in what year. Would it kill people to give reasons for what they're advocating rather than quote the Pope/Andrea Dworkin/Naomi Klein/Friedrich Hayek?
it -is- boringly written, which helps mask that he's arguing we gotta kill the fetii to save them. sort of roughly akin to PETA's euthanizing dogs and cats.
stupidly, I took that literally and tried it in square brackets. okay, one more time.
is this thing on?
still, I wonder why it suddenly started doing that; never needed the br tag before...
fuckin' blogger.
I imagine the rest of the hardcore RRR pro-life movement might erupt into fisticuffs if the Church officially comes out with a position like that, or portions of it, anyway.
also, it provides reason #blortyinfinitude why Satire Is Dead: hereupon Sister Mary Ignatius ceases to be any kind of exaggeration whatsoever, pretty much.
It has to do with strict HTML parsing. In principle, [br] and [p][/p] are the only legitimate ways of starting a new line or a new paragraph. Hitting Enter multiple times will just create one space. Usually comment boxes don't enforce that, and parse new lines as new lines without needing [br] tags; I guess that the [i] makes them default to strict HTML.
And yeah - well, Orwell noted how people who defend totalitarianism use obscure language in order to sound less horrific. You could argue that it's the same here. But I'm equally interested/perplexed by why the obscure language is legalistic rather than theoretical, as is more common for most types of radicals.
ehm-maybe because technically this dude isn't a radical (even though he is to us), he's an orthodox conservative. Theoretical would be more common to "shit that's never been tried before;" even though the snowflake babies bit is new, the guy's still appealing to Text and Tradition, so.
Re the NCReg article: It's actually a woman. But the reason why the argument is legalistic is really quite fundamental to the issue. The Catholic position on these matters distinguishes itself from other religious conservative groupings in that it's position on some of these things is partly intended to to secure a larger edifice of thought to which it is committed.
Essentially, other fundies *can* support the snowflake baby business because they are focused on the superior rights of the embryo. But the Catholic Church *can't* because it's actually focused on preserving a form of medieval Scholastic argument. That argument attempts to build the case for the soul, individuality, etc, on a set of philosophical axioms.
Consequently, Catholic arguments against snowflake babies, and in favour of letting extant embryos die, are all based on legalistic reasoning whose real aim is to validate that edifice. The very definition of life itself is subordinate to that edifice, and the term "Culture of Life" actually translates to "Culture of Medieval Scholasticism."
Re the fetus pictures: You didn't scroll down far enough, thankfully. SUZANNE is a a well-known Ottawa fetus picture waver. The scenario involves a woman who is lactating and has leftover milk. In the comments, it becomes clear that SUZANNE thinks it is acceptable to tie the woman down and force her to feed the baby. Just as it is acceptable to SUZANNE to tie a pregnant woman down and force her to give birth.
She is very consistent.
Jeez, should she really be speaking with such Authoritah there? I mean, would Paul approve? tsk.
I mean--is there some particularly compelling reason why someone in such a situation -wouldn't-? I mean, in the no doubt -innumerable- occasions where this -actually happens.-
and if not, what specifically did she propose should be done about it? We all condemn the woman as going to hell? She be arrested? What?
I mean, what's her take on the far more common -actual- scenarios wherein a person of any gender has (non breast milk) food or money and a starving child (or adult for that matter) in the street asks for some?
wait, why am I asking? she's boring and stupid.
Essentially, other fundies *can* support the snowflake baby business because they are focused on the superior rights of the embryo. But the Catholic Church *can't* because it's actually focused on preserving a form of medieval Scholastic argument. That argument attempts to build the case for the soul, individuality, etc, on a set of philosophical axioms.
Right. Which is why I forsee a big ol' mess among the pro-life coalition ranks if this position does actually work its way to official Church position,
Re SUZANNE: But she has a lot of weight in the Canadian wingnut blogosphere, so her convoluted arguments get a lot of attention. But yes, she is an energy suck. Weirdly, she has just enough of the human about her for people to keep engaging with her (willingness to engage in self-deprecatory humour, etc).
Naturally, the utterly contrived situation is absurd. Here's a great primer on contrived situations by Belle Waring:
brebis noire, a BnRer, attempts to demolish the situation by turning the situation into one about a dehydrated old man rather than a baby. Would SUZANNE force a woman to breastfeed an old man under similarly contrived conditions?
SUZANNE's initial reaction was to say that it's an absurd scenario...
Oh, and check out the Umbert the Unborn cartoons linked from the side of the NCR. I read them every day! They're totally awesome. I find it funniest that Umbert's womb has no cervix.
Even funnier was the Umbert series where the artist depicted him right after fertilization. Just rewind the tape a little bit and...
But are they better than Chick Tracts?
Way better. Chick tracts are viciously calculated. Umbert the Unborn stumbles from absurdity to absurdity. The current plot thread involves Umbert using a computer (that somehow got inside the uterus) to send "pre-mail" and place orders on "pre-Bay". *guffaw*
Where can I find the latest? The official Umbert the Unborn site only has samples.
Look for the National Catholic Register. It's on the left sidebar. Click "more" to see the last 3-4 of them. There are occasional rerun plot threads.
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