Happy not just 'cause I'm a raging link 'ho and the whole being-a-vertebrate thing (always nice), but in earnest, "Slimy Mollusc" was a bit...yeah. You know what I'm sayin'.
Now if I can just evolve a bit more, maybe we can get past the unfortunate Freudian associations altogether.
O fine, harsh my mellow, will you...
anyhoo I believe in Intelligent Design; my TTLB Creator would not let me slip back down, because, because...well, because!
I've been trying to keep my link addict status on the downlow ever since I first got that drug-like sort of buzz everytime I moved farther up their damn ecosystem. :) It's just that I've never actually been able to move up a hierarchical ANYTHING in my whole goddamn life. :) So, ttlb's good clean "fun" has me hooked in a really competitive way I'm not accustomed to. Care to exchange permanent sidebar links? :)
I justify it all as retaliation against my former boss and Marketing Dork, both of whom made my life so miserable that, had they not laid me off, I would be dead from stress. Do not lie about that. Someday, when I'm safely finished with the lawsuit, I will blog about all of it for your entertainment. With distance, I can make it a laff riot. Currently, I ain't laffin'.
So, it is with endless delight that I managed to get on /. when my former boss would be creaming his jeans for that. It is with endless delight that such slashdot-age brought me a PT gig that he'd be creaming for.
This is quite pathetic, a symbolic revenge born of my utter powerlessness!
ooo ooo you've moved up to crawly amphibian!
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