First Amanda, and now the excellent Shakespeare's Sister is resigning from the Edwards campaign. Why? Well, apparently now they've been getting death threats.
You know. I'll just say this. No, in general I don't think dumping on religion (which as far as i know had nothing to do with SS anyway) is the best way to make friends and influence people. However:
1) Edwards damn well should have been prepared for such a thing, if he'd actually read the blogs of the people he'd hired. And, should be way WAY better about standing up for said people, even if he didn't actually fire the bloggers. How in the fuck are you going to get any important legislation through if you're this lily-livered and/or cynical about cutting your losses at the -beginning- stages of the campaign?
2) This was not about alienating potential voters; this was a furnace blast of sheer bullying and worse, instigated by extreme right wingnuts and total pieces of shit.
3) Death threats, now? Yes, God must be reeeeeal proud of you miserable fuckstains.
4) Blow me, Edwards, you vacuous bimbo
5) William Donohue, Michelle Malkin, and Bill O'ForFUCKSSAKEaren'tmyfifteenminutesUP Reilly, and every wretched coward who sent threats of violence to total strangers, on the grounds of Fearless Leader said, "Sic!"--in the name of religion, no less:
May you shite hedgehogs. May you grow like an onion, with your heads in the earth. May you be smitten with pustulent boils. May you never know love, or peace, or happiness, or a burn-free piss, ever again. May you crack and split open, you whited sepulchres, so that all your toxic insides spill and hiss on the ground for the whole world to see, and stomp on, with as much mercy as you've shown to others, yourselves.
May your God reward you in exactly the way you deserve.
"I'll pray for you."
p.p.s. Spartacus swarm headquarters here.
UPDATE: here. there are many Spartacuseseseseses. more all the time.
p.p.p.s. Simply Left Behind has some good suggestions for those who want to get, not just mad, but even.
What I been sayin'. Edwards does not have the stones for a presidential campaign. He showed it in 2004, and he's showing it again now.
If Donohue and the other flying monkeys had tried to do this to, say, Hackett or Webb, they'd *still* be picking chair splinters out of their scalps.
ugh. it's going to be a long-ass two years, is all i know.
it plays right into the idea that edwards is just too damn nice of a guy. no killer instinct. which i believe is true. he's sweet....but this is 2007 in Murka!
boy i bet he's wishing he left the blogs alone. its funny how many people, even some of the MSLB (as i call it, mainstream left blogsphere) misjudge the actual dynamics of this jernt....
yeah, exactly. QD/BL called it, I think: they haven't a clue what it's all about.
well I mean: look at what they hired them for: -technical support.- They thought it'd be a nice gesture toward the "netroots" & the young folk, and those swell kids could have something to put on the resume. Big names. Big deal.
yeah, i don't particularly want to hate Edwards or nothin', he may well mean well, i'm sure this totally sucks for him too, but: what you said. we need someone with guts and spirit and teeth. he ain't it. he's: pretty.
also: more of a clue would be good.
Obama has or had a blog of his own, no?
Death threats? Jeebus. For doing what exactly? Expressing their opinions on their personal blogs? If these people love 'freedom' so much, why are they so keen to restrict other people's?
Because Jesus is all about the death threats, didn't you know? It says so, right in the Bible. "And verily, Jesus picked up a rock and knocked the bitch senseless." No, really.
*sigh* I figured Amanda was pretty risky when I heard she'd been hired, because she can be rather strident. But Shakes? Come on. That's all just stupid.
These people make God cry.
If these people love 'freedom' so much, why are they so keen to restrict other people's?
That should read "if these pro-lifers love 'freedom' so much..."
Dead body of irony, meet morgue party.
They thought it'd be a nice gesture toward the "netroots" & the young folk, and those swell kids could have something to put on the resume. Big names. Big deal.
This is the race of rampant tokenism, it's the final firebreak that stands between the dems and actually doing something, where symbolic gestures are used to promote the idea that voting for spineless do-nothing yuppies will achieve something even as the spineless do-nothing yuppies run away from any attempts to make them actually achieve anything.
I thought everyone knew that about these primaries?
yeah, i don't particularly want to hate Edwards or nothin', he may well mean well
He supports the occupation of palestine and is too stupid to actually stand against the war on terra because he wants to put himself up as a War Dem.
You can hate him readily and easily, "means well" don't mean jack if you don't actually follow it up and DO well.
He is, alas, still the best dem of the lot since McKinney got kicked out of the treehouse.
wake me when it's over.
BD: so - Obama?
Now if only Feingold decided to run after all...
RM: Melissa was hired for technical support, but Amanda was hired as the head blogger, which at this stage means press secretary.
Also, I don't think anyone in the US can publicly proclaim to be pro-Palestinian. Any gentile will get tagged as an anti-Semite; and even Jews would have fundraising troubles because of AIPAC.
The best thing any Jewish American can do to fight the occupation is not to run a political campaign with a pro-Palestinian plank, but to join AIPAC and donate as much money to the organization as possible. AIPAC is an umbrella organization spanning groups from APN to just left of the JDL; its right-wing bent is due to the fact that out of its three top contributors, three are Republicans and one is a conservative-leaning Independent.
Thanks for showing me this...now I am Spartacus, too.
I so resent how this was done. I just really really do.
well, Melissa called it "part-time technical support," but elsewhere i thought i saw it as "netroots coordinator," which sounds more like it would entail P.R., also. at any rate: it's a moot point. he could've had a V-8. he fucked up. move along, nothing to see here.
per Obama: you know, there's a part of me that's still really excited over him, and there's another part that's gotten so jaded that it's hard to feel excited about electoral politics, period. i think i need to see/hear more of him again as time goes on, i've sort of lost track of him since '04. i mean i've followed some of his doings, but i don't feel like i have a real clear sense of him at the moment, it's mostly filtered through other peoples' impressions.
on the whole i feel more excited about him than Hillary. i'm just wondering what the hell's gonna happen here.
The Return of the Gore (now with 50% more spine!) is an appealling fantasy also, but it doesn't look like it's gonna happen.
shrug. we'll see.
and you know, i gotta say, as a Deaniac last time around: whatever else about him, i think at -least- he wouldn't have screwed up this badly wrt the Internets community. i mean i like to think he'd have read and vetted the fucking sites himself, or at least been more on top of it; and i don't have the sense that Edwards did/was, at all. just this sort of vague handwaving gesture at the new thing all the cool kids are doing, was the sense i have of it.
I'm still praying for Gore, of course. He needs to be Cincinnatus this time, I'm afraid, whether or not he wants to--well, by definition, if he doesn't. He would be a clean and overwhelming sweep. They've already fired every shot they have at him. People love him much more than they ever did before. For so many people, just the implied Quantum-Leap magic of it--"put right what once what wrong"--would be irresistible.
I just fear that it's a hope like waiting for the Messiah, or King Arthur, or the Hidden Imam. Except with less God, and more living, breathing guy on TV who could be saving the day, dammit.
Also, I don't think anyone in the US can publicly proclaim to be pro-Palestinian.
It's a self fulfilling prediction though, no one will be "able" to be publicly pro-palestine until someone is, whihc produces no effect other than that no one will ever be publicly pro-palestine because gosh and lordy someone might start fucking the irony snake.
But someone who finally actually just bites that bullet and faces up to that bullshit can start to move the discourse and the peace process past it, the righties don't seem to care about being called bigoted, they say quite proudly "convert the wogs by force" and then their moderates work towards that goal without the shame they really should feel. Being called anti-semitic by a bunch of far right fascists should cause the dems to actually deny that htey are and bakc their denial with arguements, rather htan for them to try to umm and err their way towards agreeing with their critics for some reason. The cries of "anti-catholic" were a perfect opportunity for edwards to discuss why donohoe and other fundies are bullshit peddlers, he should ahve stood that ground and argued in his and amanda's defense because it was in his best interest as a politican to do so, not just to satisfy my progressive hungers.
But oh no, once again the dems show that they can't actually handle even the most vacant of criticism like they were politicians rather than scared jackrabbits.
per Obama: you know, there's a part of me that's still really excited over him, and there's another part that's gotten so jaded that it's hard to feel excited about electoral politics, period.
The basic Obama Synopsis: Wafty, spineless, sucks goat balls.
On the other hand, we won't ahve to deal with a potential first female clinton president and he'll be the second black president after the first clinton, so there's at least the illusion of progress. It might even prompt the repugs to Iraq themselves in the foot and put Condi up as some sort of "now with 100% more negrotude!" token candidate, thereby alienating their base and requireing gargantuan, rather than merely huge, amounts of vote rigging.
Edwards was a far better DLC sockpuppet than either of those two, and god I hate edwards.
And hte sad thing is that I fear that if Gore did run, he'd revert back to Dem type - wafty, spineless, sucks goat balls, because his inexplicable spine seems to be a product of being politically "outside the box".
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