Wednesday, August 01, 2007

i want to live in this website

Cream Puffs in Venice.

*sobs,* sulks, goes off to eat a dreary Subway sandwich or some such tripe...


Rootietoot said...

I didn't make it past the first photo. I've lost almost 10 pounds and I will NOT risk backsliding. Subway is good. I like subway very much. I'd rather eat a nice dry turkey on wheat that a big creamy slab of cheesecake anyway. Yes.

Anonymous said...

There's a word for sites like that, and that word is:


yay, foodporn!

Anonymous said...

I would like to live there too. Naked and covered in whipped cream. Sigh.

little light said...

You should check out Pro Bono Baker, on my blogroll, Belle.
She's a friend of mine from college, and she just makes gorgeous food and then takes gorgeous pictures of it, and usually posts recipes.

belledame222 said...

oo, num, fanks.

Alon Levy said...

I boycott Subway... both because it's unhealthy and because the deli across the corner from my place sells much better sandwiches.