Thursday, April 10, 2008

Laugh, clown! LAUGH GODDAMIT

So, Renegade has this post explaining about some shitsmear clever young man what's designed this line of T-shirts with the witty tagline,

"Cuttin' Up Hookers"

with apropos graphics in various stylish designs.

(nah, not linking, follow the breadcrumb trail from RE's).

but so anyway, Genius Boy himself shows up to defend himself, thusly:

Please lighten up. My shirts are designed to entertain, not offend.

And I also forward proceeds to various charities. I actually support hookers, in all reality. ;)

...PS, hookers sure don't complain when they take my dolla dolla bills yall! So all's well that ends well, say I.

and then, when mutual status as One Of The Tribe is appealed to, Alex (for that is apparently his name) goes:

Oy vey.

Please don't ever compare jews to hookers or gays again. That is just plain insulting, and you should know better if you really are one.

A better analogy would be to "beat up bums," "Superman strippers" or "kill Republicans." You know, keeping with the whole "low-life" theme here. (no offense to anyone)

Look, I respect your right to dissent. But you should also respect my right to exercise free speech. Which I see absolutely nothing wrong with.

Apparently you guys are too uptight to get my shirts - but plenty do. It's no different than a comedian. Should he quit simply because a few find him offensive? Shit, if that were the case, half of Jewish comics would be flipping burgers right now!

Look, I have some advice. Have a coupla tequila shots and come back when your sphincters have relaxed a notch. Lighten up, life is fun!

...whereas some of us aren't funny, merely angry :(

Ok, fair enough then.

I and many young men and women find my shirts uproariously funny.

A few harpies on the internet don't.

We done yet?

Or would you like me to send you a complimentary Cuttin T-shirt?

And to 222 - you seem very very angry. I don't think I can help you. Ever consider applying for Dr Phil's show?

Well, I for one certainly do not wish to be thought of as an uptight un-fun "harpie." I wish to join the merry laughter of all the young men and women out there. In fact, I want to help Alex gain more merry laughter, because clearly he's just a jolly sort of guy.

So, if -you- are a merry young man or woman and would like to appraise Alex of what -else- you find uproariously funny, you can, he informs us, contact him at his website, or more specifically, I suppose, at the information helpfully provided right there on his website:

Alex Karekin Tchekmeian

AKT Enterprises
11929 E. Colonial Drive #166
Orlando, Florida 32826

(T) 888.429.0666
(F) 407.574.3012


Company Web Site

General Company Contact

--oh, look, BusinessWeek did a profile on him, what a mensch he must be.

Oh, yeah. In the spirit of citing one's sources, which has been rather a theme this week, I will say here that the original inspiration for RE's post was here, at a site called Buried Alive. Thanks for the h/t, sincerely.

(There: see how easy that was?)



ETA: -cocks head- mkay. So, before my and this link go up, someone at RE’s publically suggests that this might not, in fact, be the real Alex T, but in fact a well-known troll. I write, well it DOES seem odd that anyone could be THIS stupid, lemme take this down while I double check. I double check the site. There’s a direct link at the bottom of the Cuttin’ Up Hookers page to AKT Productions, this guy’s base of operations. So I figure, right then, on with the show, and put the post back up.

Shortly thereafter, there’s a (now unlinked) comment by “Alex” at RE’s saying:

alex said…

Ok, um, some assclown was impersonating me and I’m sorry if anyone was unduly offended.

I love all women, not the least of which hookers!

So as a token of goodwill, I’m willing to send anyone a free “Cuttin’ Up Hookers” T-shirt personally signed by my radboy designer, Jared. And if you send in some photos of you wearing them, I might even add them to my site.

Let’s just stop the hate and let the good times roll, people! ;)


shortly after THAT, there’s this exchange at Buried Alive:

mkay. now he, or someone, says this over at Buried Alive:

My name is Alex Tchekmeian. I am 21 year old entrepreneur who is absolutely taken back by what is occurring right now.

My company is a t-shirt manufacturing and distribution warehouse. I am a regular guy who started receiving many emails regarding “my clothing line called cuttin’ up hookers.” and how disappointed people were in me.

After doing some extensive research I found this web site that somebody went on and posted fake comments trying to mask themselves as me. I have no direct affiliation with this clothing brand and people are acting as if it was my idea…

I am so beside myself because I would never write the things that were written here. I hope that this message gets through to people so that this can come to an end.

I am putting myself out there out of honesty so that this can be resolved. The truth of the matter is I have no affiliation with this organization and I do not support it. Somebody has posted falsified comments attempting to take a direct hit to my reputation and hard work.

My direct email is
Comment by Alex Tchekmeian - The REAL One April 14, 2008 @ 3:26 pm

(”Will the Real Alex Tchekmeian please stand up?”)

All right–welcome Alex. I am confused–does your company own District Lines?
Comment by pisaquaririse April 14, 2008 @ 3:38 pm

Yes, my company does in fact own District Lines.
Comment by Alex Tchekmeian - The REAL One April 14, 2008 @ 3:42 pm

Then you own “Cuttin’ Up Hookers” line of t-shirts, yes?
Comment by pisaquaririse April 14, 2008 @ 4:02 pm

While we do own clothing companies within AKT Enterprises (Messhead, Fuller and Skuzzy), Cuttin’ Up Hookers is not one of them. We are responsible for the printing and distribution of the Cuttin’ Up Hookers brand, however, we are not in any way the creators or promoters of the brand.

District Lines powers over 250 individual online stores, ranging from clothing companies, charities, activists and bands.
Comment by Alex Tchekmeian - The REAL One April 14, 2008


I leave the interpretation of this latest development of events to you, gentle readers.

In either case it does seem that someone is doing Alex a public service, because as the REAL Alex is, by his own admission, "responsible for the printing and distribution of the Cuttin' Up Hookers" brand, he might want to take this opportunity to be apprised that many young men and women do not, in fact, approve of this particular fine line of merchandise, and he may wish to be disassociated with it henceforth.

I will also, without further comment, note this quote from his BusinessWeek profile:

Today, 20-employee AKT Enterprises consists of 15 businesses that revolve around the music industry and include merchandising, Web development, and online ticketing services. Most of AKT's clients are hardcore bands and record labels. Tchekmeian says the business had $1.3 million revenues in 2006 and estimates it will earn just over $3 million in 2007, with the bulk of the income coming from merchandising, all of which is produced in-house, because he doesn't "trust the quality of anyone else out there.”

***ETA 4/15: What she said.***

-waves merrily-


Renegade Evolution said...

Col. Drive Orlando? HAHAHAHAH my old stomping grounds. Shit, my folks live, oh, like 20 minutes from there....

And there I have friends in the biz and all.

Hummmm, envision this, Ren and some pissy sex workers. With signs. Outside his office. Free speech and all....with cameras.

I was headin' down to Orlando in June or so anyway...

belledame222 said...

such a promising young entrepreneur in the budding stages of his no doubt meteoric career should indeed be attended to and nurtured carefully, I feel.

belledame222 said...

oh, he went to some Christian school, interestingly enough.

check the photos.

-pinches widdle cheeks-

Speaking of "zeitgeist," boy. That right there is -everything- that's wrong with the culture. Some smug half-literate bigoted dickhead with a savant-like business sense and (probably, more like) the kind of sociopathic mentality that it takes to stomp one's way to the top, makes a gazillion dollars and is feted by BusinessWeek before he's 25. There does seem to be a direct inverse proportion between degree of Assholery and rewards, doesn't there?

Plain(s)feminist said... about we make some t-shirts with his pic: "Cuttin up Alex"?

belledame222 said...

You know what, though, thene just noticed something: the book club jibe, that was a byrdeye coinage.

it DID seem unlikely that anyone that successful could really be -this- stupid.

I'm gonna temporarily take this down while I make double triple sure.

belledame222 said...

...nope, the "Cuttin Up Hookers" site

links at the bottom directly to AKT Enterprises

which is, indeed, this dude.

confident l'il sucker, ain't he?

Kristin said...

Thanks for compiling the information. I was hoping someone would.

Ugh... Wow... I really fucking hate self-entitled little shits who've had everything handed to them for their entire lives and who...just aren't used to being challenged. Wonder if he's crying in a corner now?

I'm an academic, and I am forced to interact with such self-entitled shits all the time, but I'd destroy my career if I always told them exactly how I feel. Sure, they kinda get a clue, 'cause of the evil glares I send their way.

But my god... Never have I been able to tell them what I'm really thinking. How I think they're pathetic excuses for human beings who, yes, deserve all the evil shit that comes their way... Fantasies of bashing their heads into brick walls; I find these funny.

What a lovely little campaign you're starting here. What a great way for me to release some of the pent-up aggression I have toward self-entitled little trust fund 25 year olds. Don't have the money to travel to FL any time soon, but yeah... Let me know what I can do.

Námo Mandos said...

This is very Tucker Max-ish.

belledame222 said...

yeah, he's another charmer.

k: yeah, they do suck, don't they? or, well, this guy sure does. welcome, p.s.

Anonymous said...

Is it true?, you...I just can't believe have outed the guy on your blog. You're practically inviting people to pick up the telephone and shout abuse at him, so that he completely overreacted, sorry would probably overreact, by threatening to have the call traced and to press charges against me. No, not me, against the caller whoever it was. Whoever it might be, I should say.

I'm not worried. I didn't make any phone calls to anybody. I'm totally calm, look at my outstretched hand. Not a tremor.

Honestly, some people can't take well-meant advice in the constructive spirit it's given. It's true I swear a bit, but what do you expect after so many years debating on the fucking internet? There was no need for the dickhead to take it so personally. Anyway, I don't believe he could have a call traced from outside the US.

Kristin said...

You know, people like this have told me I was too angry in the past too. I tend to think, "Wow, if only you had ANY IDEA..."

UneFemmePlusCourageuse said...

The whole idea of: "some ignorant idiots think this is funny, therefore it must be and everyone who thinks it isn't funny just can't take a joke" is really, really annoying to me. These sort of statements almost always revolve around things that actually happen or attitudes which really are prevalent. Awful racist and anti-semitic 'jokes?' They fall into this category. Rape 'jokes?' Same there. And this t-shirt certainly does as well. People really are treated worse because of race or ethnicity, there've been plenty of atrocities throughout history committed because of these things. Women get raped all the time. And sex workers (particularly those actually on the street) ARE in danger of being killed. So no, not funny.

belledame222 said...

omg. seriously? that's his -real number-, not just some business hotline? dude: it's RIGHT THERE ON HIS WEBSITE. to which he GAVE US THE LINK.

so, he's never had any complaints before this, eh? no worries about just...letting it all hang out there. because who could possibly take offense to a bit of harmless fun? fascinating.

belledame222 said...

mm. real charmer. shy type. from the BusinessWeek profile:

Most of AKT's clients are hardcore bands and record labels. Tchekmeian says the business had $1.3 million revenues in 2006 and estimates it will earn just over $3 million in 2007, with the bulk of the income coming from merchandising, all of which is produced in-house, because he doesn't "trust the quality of anyone else out there.” As the business has grown, he says he's received a number of offers from potential investors but has turned them down because now he doesn't need the money.

aww, and he's only 21. maybe 22 by now. sweet, really...

iacb said...

Oh, this is interesting –

Alex also runs an "official" (?) Chris Crocker t-shirt shop:

UneFemmePlusCourageuse said...

aww, and he's only 21. maybe 22 by now. sweet, really...

Damn...why can't some of the GOOD people from my generation get fame and fortune?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
SunflowerP said...

I thought his name rang a bell. So I scrolled back down to the post in which you link to Ren blogging about a piece of femicrazyWTF. And sure enough, down almost at the bottom of the comments at Ren's, there's Alex, making less of an ass of himself than he does over the t-shirts, but an ass nonetheless (and linking his name to yet another of his business sites, if anyone cares).

So evidently he was aware of Ren and her blog before she was aware of his t-shirts - making the "angry lesbian book club" supposition all the more boneheadedly amusing. I think dw3t-hthr's "sack of wet mice" have the intellectual advantage.


belledame222 said...


oh yeah, actually, now I'm thinking--I did spot that, assumed he posted at the same time he posted the other thing. also something about his personal experience with anti-semitism, in response to one of the more regular douchenozzles with the Zionist Conspiracy crap, something.

i really hate when people make me embarrassed for My People.

Anonymous said...

Has it been written into the Federal Code somewhere that women are forever forbidden to EVER be angry?? At ANYTHING???

*rolls eyes so far back in her head she looks like Storm from the X-Men*

"Lunks will no more welcome death!"

*throws up on T-shirt Boy's shoes*

belledame222 said...

oh, look, Comic Boy now has this, over at RE's.

alex said...

Ok, um, some assclown was impersonating me and I'm sorry if anyone was unduly offended.

I love all women, not the least of which hookers!

So as a token of goodwill, I'm willing to send anyone a free "Cuttin' Up Hookers" T-shirt personally signed by my radboy designer, Jared. And if you send in some photos of you wearing them, I might even add them to my site.

Let's just stop the hate and let the good times roll, people! ;)



belledame222 said...

--oh goodie, feministe posted it. -settles back with popcorn-

SunflowerP said...

I'm inclined to see the claim of being impersonated as a ploy, possibly inspired by your mention of such a possibility.

Not hard to check on - I'm betting it doesn't even require Ren to look at ISP logs, but that anyone willing to take the time could run their cursor over the name-links.

Those wet mice are starting to look like friggin' geniuses, relatively speaking.


belledame222 said...

I believe it's his idea of a joke.

belledame222 said...

mkay. now he, or someone, says this over at Buried Alive:

My name is Alex Tchekmeian. I am 21 year old entrepreneur who is absolutely taken back by what is occurring right now.

My company is a t-shirt manufacturing and distribution warehouse. I am a regular guy who started receiving many emails regarding “my clothing line called cuttin’ up hookers.” and how disappointed people were in me.

After doing some extensive research I found this web site that somebody went on and posted fake comments trying to mask themselves as me. I have no direct affiliation with this clothing brand and people are acting as if it was my idea…

I am so beside myself because I would never write the things that were written here. I hope that this message gets through to people so that this can come to an end.

I am putting myself out there out of honesty so that this can be resolved. The truth of the matter is I have no affiliation with this organization and I do not support it. Somebody has posted falsified comments attempting to take a direct hit to my reputation and hard work.

My direct email is
Comment by Alex Tchekmeian - The REAL One April 14, 2008 @ 3:26 pm

(”Will the Real Alex Tchekmeian please stand up?”)

All right–welcome Alex. I am confused–does your company own District Lines?
Comment by pisaquaririse April 14, 2008 @ 3:38 pm

Yes, my company does in fact own District Lines.
Comment by Alex Tchekmeian - The REAL One April 14, 2008 @ 3:42 pm

Then you own “Cuttin’ Up Hookers” line of t-shirts, yes?
Comment by pisaquaririse April 14, 2008 @ 4:02 pm

While we do own clothing companies within AKT Enterprises (Messhead, Fuller and Skuzzy), Cuttin’ Up Hookers is not one of them. We are responsible for the printing and distribution of the Cuttin’ Up Hookers brand, however, we are not in any way the creators or promoters of the brand.

District Lines powers over 250 individual online stores, ranging from clothing companies, charities, activists and bands.
Comment by Alex Tchekmeian - The REAL One April 14, 2008

Anonymous said...

"We are responsible for the printing and distribution of the Cuttin’ Up Hookers brand, however, we are not in any way the creators or promoters of the brand."

Well, the least you can say for the kid is that he reads his Orwell, 'cause he's sure got his doublespeak down.

*throws up on T-shirt Boy's shoes again*

Kristin said...

This "nice letter" is just too "aw shucks" to be believable. Not to mention that in the Business Week article (or something official that's been recently linked), he talks about how much control he maintains over his company because he doesn't trust other businesses to do the work.

Seems to me that, of course, he owns the "Cuttin' up Hookers" line, and of course he knows about it. He's such a control freak, it's really not possible that some random asshole created a t-shirt business and linked to his website without him knowing about it, now, is it?

Maybe he's starting to worry about business?? Aww... Too young and stupid to have a seasoned PR person, I guess.

**stomps on feet littlem's been vomiting on**

Kristin said...

ooops, belle already noted that bit about how controlling he is. Sorry, didn't read your whole post.

Alon Levy said...

The whole episode just makes me roll my eyes.

However, I find it interesting that he says, "Dolla dolla bills." Why is it that Americans try writing in Ebonics whenever they refer to a low-life subject such as corruption or prostitution?

belledame222 said...

Maybe he's starting to worry about business?? Aww... Too young and stupid to have a seasoned PR person, I guess.

I honestly can't tell if it's that he really is starting to worry just a little bit and he's really SO stupid that he thinks that's gonna fly, or if this is yet more y'know edgy "humor;" christ knows they basically sound like anon with cash.

maybe some of each.

I'm still sort of gobsmacked at the smug arrogance of these little shits, although I suppose I shouldn't be, it's not like I've never met the type.

belledame222 said...

I mean, if you're so concerned with the way people are responding, maybe you should disaffiliate from "cuttin' up hookers," you stupid piece of shit.

well, you see, it would appear that "Cuttin' Up Hookers" is in fact the brainchild of one of his crack team members, who also lives in Orlando, is about his age, and, I'm sure, is in no way a buddy with little Alex, one Stefan Kane.

stefan kane's Blurbs
About me:
I own Cuttin' Up Hookers Apparel. I drink more slurpees than you. Try me.

Who I'd like to meet:

tefan Kane - Screen Printing

AKT Enterprises Team Member Profile

Stefan Kane - Screen PrintingAge: 22

Sex: Male

Hometown: Cooper City, FL

Area of Expertise: Screen Printing

Weapon of Choice: Sidekick ID

Skills: 4/4, 6/8 Auto, Heat Press

Team Member Since: 2006

Words to Live by: “You guys ready to headbang?”

the rest of the crack team:

Anonymous said...

However, I find it interesting that he says, "Dolla dolla bills." Why is it that Americans try writing in Ebonics whenever they refer to a low-life subject such as corruption or prostitution?

Alon, you remember those cute puppies and nasty possums described upthread?

You don't strike me as the type who would have slept through semiotics class.

Kristin said...

"well, you see, it would appear that "Cuttin' Up Hookers" is in fact the brainchild of one of his crack team members, who also lives in Orlando, is about his age, and, I'm sure, is in no way a buddy with little Alex, one Stefan Kane."

Oh, how lovely... Did they meet in Christian school?

Kristin said...

"I'm still sort of gobsmacked at the smug arrogance of these little shits, although I suppose I shouldn't be, it's not like I've never met the type."

Yeah, me too. It makes me sick.

belledame222 said...



Give Them Wings To Fly

Give Them Wings To Fly was created to provide underprivileged children
the opportunity to build a solid foundation within the entertainment
As we give back to the community and industry that has nurtured AKT
Enterprises for many years, we hope to promote leadership and
encourage creativity within a generation saturated with video games
and television.


okay, that's nice, I guess. but, um. donating drumsticks? Just the

check the photos, p.s.

iacb said...

"check the photos, p.s."

Oh, you mean the kids they donate drums to versus the kind of people they have at their benefits perhaps?

Even putting age aside, one of these things is not like the other....

belledame222 said...

and, the kind of people who make up their crack team of hilarious young men and women.

belledame222 said...

ah, and the latest "edition" of the Cuttin' Up Hookers: line: "grillz."

the second comment, complete with pic, is particularly choice.

yeah, it's really -something.-

belledame222 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
belledame222 said...

you know, jinx, I was JUST coming back here to say:

this is beginning to remind me of, like, a straight suburban "Party Monster," which is uber-depressing all by itself.

but, yeah, where exactly is all this cash coming from? crap designs on American Apparel T-shirts, sold at a pittance over the Internets and at concerts? (apparently mostly to each other, judging by the myspace comments) This propels them into the top 25 young entrepreneurs? Really.

I mean, just, you know, it's not like anything -else- gets sold at such events, or that people ever have, y'know, such things as lines of clothing as a legit cover for, erm, other income.

Not that I'd ever suggest such a thing might be going on here.


i'll be there

You love drugs. Awesome.

who doesn't?

... Kris K. said: Ryan, I didn't know you were going?? that's so
awesome!! You must come hang at the stereo bear tent with us so you
can see your design in action :-)

will do man.

i'm staying at the marriot.. where's everyone staying?

...i was unaware that so many empteeeeers are going to bamboozle.

we need to have one big brofest @ someone's tent.

who all is selling?

well even if its not at a booth, the fact that we could all say "hey,
ive argued with you about designs on emptees!" or "you won tee of the
day, and mine didnt you bastard!" to each other in person, would make
this all the more memorable.

just kidding, but seriously meeting up would be chill, id love to meet
some of you dudes/dudettes.

... stefankane said: ill be there.

come to my table.

new spring line will be dropping at bamboozle.

i think i might have to stop by and pick up a shirt. just so i can say
that i have a shirt that says "cuttin' up hookers" haha

love your shit dude.

Kristin said...

"I mean, just, you know, it's not like anything -else- gets sold at such events, or that people ever have, y'know, such things as lines of clothing as a legit cover for, erm, other income.

Not that I'd ever suggest such a thing might be going on here."

Me neither, 'cause really, it seems *way outside the realm of possibility* that a couple o' rich white guys from Orlando could ever, you know, get away with something like that. For people to completely look the other way while they go on to get feted in a Business Week article calling them The Next Big Thing. Such brilliant, innovative young entrepreneurs.

Also terribly unlikely that they'd go and be stupidly *indiscrete* about it on some ocmments board. Right? Not like they have anything to be worried about. Just exercisin' their free speech to make "Cuttin' up Hookers" t-shirts and all.

belledame222 said...

I mean, it's not like there's any precedent for corrupt, hateful, sociopathic mediocrities to swan to the top of the power chain in this country, you know...

belledame222 said...

and yeah, those are some fugly cheap-crap shirts.

belledame222 said...

as for the giving away drumsticks: well, y'know, also, aren't "charitable donations" a big-ol' tax writeoff? dunno exactly how it'd work, but I am thinking setting up their very own charity works well for "look, see, we ARE good people" and more besides.

Kristin said...

So, Jill over at Feministe has reported that Alex took the site down. Well, see what they mean by "taking the site down" for yourself:

Yep, all the advertisements and publicity photos are still there. And the site says, "'Cuttin' up Hookers' Apparel TEMPORARILY OFFLINE." (Note: Stefan has a Myspace site, but "Cuttin' up Hookers" has its own Myspace site too.) So, they're saying it's temporary. As in, not permanent. Meaning it'll go right back up after the "harpies" stop inundating them with phone calls, letters, and emails. Meaning... This "concession," as it seems to have been interpreted over at Feministe, means absolutely nothing at all.

Oh, and... As I mentioned there, the t-shirts are still being sold at Stefan still has his shirt on on the main website. They're probably still being sold at other random websites too.

pisaquari said...

Via Mr. Kane's myspace:

About me:
I own Cuttin' Up Hookers Apparel. Can't stop, won't stop.

Who I'd like to meet:

Kristin said...

"as for the giving away drumsticks: well, y'know, also, aren't "charitable donations" a big-ol' tax writeoff?"

Good point. Am I the only one who was annoyed by the whole "Look at us. We help people--see, look, we've got a photo of some Poor Black Kids who clearly needed our help--being *Black Kids* and all-- and now they have drum sticks!" Somebody over at Feministe said something more or less like, "Well, they've got this charity foundation that helps underprivileged youth, looks like they're doing some good, don't want to be TOO hard on Alex." What the fuck ever.

Drum sticks... Couldn't they have come up with something a little better than just...drum sticks?

Kristin said...

pisaquari--you should post that over at Feministe if you haven't already.

belledame222 said...

oh cute.

belledame222 said...

I guess the question is--is he still marketing his shit via Alex's hot entrepreneur website. because technically if he's setting up shop on his own then, well, you know, technically.

but yeah, it does sound like they're trying to do a bit of shuffling and misdirection. I think this guy is the owner's goodbuddy and there's not a chance in hell that he's going to just cut him loose for this. At best they'll take his profile off their group website, and/or remove the CUH line from "District" or however it works.

I still think... there's something very weird about this whole set-up. I mean, if it weren't for this hateful crap it's not much skin off my ass I -suppose-, you know, christ knows there's all kinds of dodgy shit out there, I'm not actually in it for the vice squad or what have you. Bunch of kids -somehow- make a gazillion off a bunch of fugly T-shirts and concert venues--well, you know, see what happens with that; it sounds like either one of those sort of sleight of hand loophole things that goes belly up pretty quickly or...anyway.

but, in a way, it really is all of a piece, isn't it? maybe I'll do a more generalized post. I mean, I just got another DSCC email about Abramoff, you know:

Remember Jack Abramoff, the jailed Republican lobbyist busted a couple of years ago for fraud, corruption, and shady dealings with Tom DeLay?

Colorado Republican Bob Schaffer hopes you don't. Because it's going to be awfully hard for him to win his Senate election once the voters know that Schaffer is just another Republican tainted by scandal.

An Abramoff front group paid $13,000 to send Schaffer to the Northern Marianas Islands. Ostensibly, the purpose of the trip was for Schaffer to investigate well-documented human rights abuses by Abramoff clients.

What surprised us is the floating, mid-air garment factory - accessible only by parasail - now operating in the Northern Marinas.

After all, that's the only possible explanation for the newly surfaced photograph of Schaffer parasailing on Abramoff's dime, right? It couldn't possibly mean that a crooked lobbyist was showering this congressman with all the extras at a lavish 5-star tropical resort, right?

Nah...couldn't be...

Needless to say, Schaffer claimed he didn't find any indications of abuse, despite a mountain of evidence. And after he returned to Washington, Schaffer became one of Abramoff's leading attack dogs against anyone trying to bring reform to the Northern Marinas.

Click here to learn more about Bob Schaffer's tropical vacation, paid for by Jack Abramoff.

Campaign crap aside, it's...yeah. Feels very familiar. "Oh, sorry, did I do that?"

and "shady dealings" doesn't even begin to cover -that- shit.

Kristin said...

Here's what's prohibited on Myspace, according to their terms and conditions website:

Content/Activity Prohibited. The following are examples of the kind of Content that is illegal or prohibited to post on or through the MySpace Services. MySpace reserves the right to investigate and take appropriate legal action against anyone who, in MySpace's sole discretion, violates this provision, including without limitation, removing the offending Content from the MySpace Services and terminating the Membership of such violators. Prohibited Content includes, but is not limited to, Content that, in the sole discretion of MySpace:

8.1 is patently offensive and promotes racism, bigotry, hatred or physical harm of any kind against any group or individual;

8.2 harasses or advocates harassment of another person;

8.3 exploits people in a sexual or violent manner;

8.4 contains nudity, excessive violence, or offensive subject matter or contains a link to an adult website;

8.5 solicits personal information from anyone under 18;

8.6 publicly posts information that poses or creates a privacy or security risk to any person;

8.7 constitutes or promotes information that you know is false or misleading or promotes illegal activities or conduct that is abusive, threatening, obscene, defamatory or libelous;

8.8 constitutes or promotes an illegal or unauthorized copy of another person's copyrighted work, such as providing pirated computer programs or links to them, providing information to circumvent manufacturer-installed copy-protect devices, or providing pirated music or links to pirated music files;

8.9 involves the transmission of "junk mail," "chain letters," or unsolicited mass mailing, instant messaging, "spimming," or "spamming";

8.10 contains restricted or password only access pages or hidden pages or images (those not linked to or from another accessible page);

8.11 furthers or promotes any criminal activity or enterprise or provides instructional information about illegal activities including, but not limited to making or buying illegal weapons, violating someone's privacy, or providing or creating computer viruses;

8.12 solicits passwords or personal identifying information for commercial or unlawful purposes from other Users;

8.13 involves commercial activities and/or sales without prior written consent from MySpace such as contests, sweepstakes, barter, advertising, or pyramid schemes;

8.14 includes a photograph or video of another person that you have posted without that person's consent;

8.15 for band, comedy, filmmaker and other profiles, uses sexually suggestive imagery or any other unfair, misleading or deceptive Content intended to draw traffic to the profile; or

8.16 violates the privacy rights, publicity rights, copyrights, trademark rights, contract rights or any other rights of any person.

The following are examples of the kind of activity that is illegal or prohibited on the MySpace Website and through your use of the MySpace Services. MySpace reserves the right to investigate and take appropriate legal action against anyone who, in MySpace's sole discretion, violates this provision, including without limitation, reporting you to law enforcement authorities. Prohibited activity includes, but is not limited to:

8.17 criminal or tortious activity, including child pornography, fraud, trafficking in obscene material, drug dealing, gambling, harassment, stalking, spamming, spimming, sending of viruses or other harmful files, copyright infringement, patent infringement, or theft of trade secrets;

8.18 advertising to, or solicitation of, any Member to buy or sell any products or services through the unauthorized or impermissible use of the MySpace Services. You may not transmit any chain letters or junk email to other Members. In order to protect our Members from such advertising or solicitation, MySpace reserves the right to restrict the number of emails which a Member may send to other Members in any 24-hour period to a number which MySpace deems appropriate in its sole discretion. If you breach this Agreement and send unsolicited bulk email, instant messages or other unauthorized commercial communications of any kind through the MySpace Services, you acknowledge that you will have caused substantial harm to MySpace, but that the amount of such harm would be extremely difficult to ascertain. As a reasonable estimation of such harm, you agree to pay MySpace $50 for each such unsolicited email or other unauthorized commercial communication you send through the MySpace Services;

8.19 circumventing or modifying, attempting to circumvent or modify, or encouraging or assisting any other person in circumventing or modifying any security technology or software that is part of the MySpace Services;

8.20 activity that involves the use of viruses, bots, worms, or any other computer code, files or programs that interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware, or otherwise permit the unauthorized use of or access to a computer or a computer network;

8.21 covering or obscuring the banner advertisements on your personal profile page, or any MySpace page via HTML/CSS or any other means;

8.22 any automated use of the system, such as, but not limited to, using
scripts to add friends or send comments or messages;

8.23 interfering with, disrupting, or creating an undue burden on the MySpace Services or the networks or services connected to the MySpace Services;

8.24 impersonating or attempting to impersonate another Member, person or entity;

8.25 for band, comedy, filmmaker and other profiles containing a MySpace player, copying the code for your MySpace Player and embedding it (or directing others to embed it) anywhere other than your band profile on MySpace;

8.26 using the account, username, or password of another Member at any time or disclosing your password to any third party or permitting any third party to access your account;

8.27 selling or otherwise transferring your profile;

8.28 using any information obtained from the MySpace Services in order to harass, abuse, or harm another person or entity, or attempting to do the same;

8.29 displaying an unauthorized commercial advertisement on your profile, or accepting payment or anything of value from a third person in exchange for your performing any commercial activity through the unauthorized or impermissible use of the MySpace Services on behalf of that person, such as placing commercial content on your profile, posting blogs or bulletins with a commercial purpose, selecting a profile with a commercial purpose as one of your "Top 8" friends, or sending private messages with a commercial purpose; or

8.30 using the MySpace Services in a manner inconsistent with any and all applicable laws and regulations.

Kristin said...

Okay, so according to Mypace terms and conditions, I'm afraid the only thing we may be able to do is go to the CUH myspace site, and click on all the pictures to "report abuse." I'd rather write a letter...

Kristin said...

You can go here to report concerns to myspace:

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This is why I disappear from the internet for decades on end.

Gevalt. >:

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