Kwon Sang WooBecause, hey, I am all about equal opportunity objectification, even if slightly choosier with my objects on this side of the aisle. Lots of aesthetic appreciation here for sure, though, plus, spot the fangirl (eyeroll). As with the
female OOD post (AKA POST WITH LOTS AND LOTS OF WOMEN PLEASE FEEL FREE TO PERUSE AND COMMENT), many of these cribbed from the excellent
skywardprodigal, with some additions of my own interspersed. Enjoy.
Kian Mitchum
Gordon Modibame
Shunei Hosimi
Renald Seme
Jo Ji Hoon>
Porter Garner
Tyler Christopher
Anthony Stewart Head
Won Bin
Djimon Honsou
Nir Lavi
Daniel Henney
James Marsters
Michael C Hall in "Cabaret"
Anderson Cooper
Kevin Aviance
David Tennant and Billie Piper
Anthony Stewart Head, David Walliams, and a very frustrated policeman
John Barrowman & Eve Myles
Alvin Goh & friend
Michael C Hall & Matthew St. Patrick ("Six Feet Under")
Kim Sung Soo & friend
from a play called "Dorian"
Ian Somerhalder & friend
Tony Leung Chiu Wai and Leslie Cheung(?) ("Happy Together")
John Barrowman and James Marsters ("Torchwood")
David Tennant & co-stars in "Casanova"
David Tennant
Wow at mountain of David Tennant. I'm not as big a fan of him as my sister, but he IS hot =)
Gordon Modibame - I think I need a lie-down
Those dudes are all so young! We older dudes are hot, too!
Thanks, Belledame!
sorry, PP. as I said, my taste in the menfolk is a bit more finicky. there are a lot of older men I find aesthetically pleasing, same as a lot of butch/muscular men, but I decided to limit myself here to the ones that at least somewhat turned my crank (because on the whole women do it more anyway). feel free to post suggestions, though, I'm sure someone will take you up on it...
...actually Marsters isn't all that young, although he looks it in that solo pic, which may be a few years old. but where he's making out with Barrowman, the more recent one--I think he must be, what, fifty? -is too lazy to check-
and Barrowman is forty, and Tennant also is older than he looks, late thirties.
I mean, I think Paul Newman and Sean Connery are still sexy; hell, Harrison Ford was not one of my many problems with the latest Indiana Jones; it just wasn't where I wanted to go, m'self, this time.
-snaps fingers- ...although, you just made me think of someone...if I can remember who or where...
okay, PP, I added one more (as inspired by Jill at feministe). although was surprised: apparently he's not that old, is Cooper, 41, just prematurely grey, I guess. wears it well, though. Marsters is 45.
Anthony Stewart Head may be a little nerdy for you [or not], but he's my older gentleman pick. (Well, amongst many. Totally agree on Harrison Ford & Connery.)
*ahem* forgive my obsessive sinogeekiness, but Tony Leung Chiu Wai is one singular person. Here's his IMDB page. I think the other person in that shot is Chen Chang, his co-star in Happy Together (great queer film). They're both appearing in Red Cliff, a John Woo version of a few chapters from the middle of Three Kingdoms, which is full of incredibly hot, incredibly talented people and is coming out later this year !!!
Mybad - the person I think it is is Leslie Cheung, not Chen Chang. Sowwy.
...Porter Garner. I'm speechless.
Belle, if you want a change from Tennant (though you obviously don't) perhaps you could include some of the Doctor's previous incarnations in future "hotty" lists. I'm looking forward to a picture of a half-naked William Hartnell getting his nipples squeezed by an uncredited Menoptera.
Nice! You're starting to win me over as far as Tennant is concerned.
Thene - Thanks, I was about to go "hey, that's Leslie Cheung!". Which I know because I remember going to see that movie.
RE : Tony Leung, I have to say, the other Tony Leung (Kar Fai) is hotter!
Ok, I'm definitely violating my "women and femme men" policy for James Marsters. (Maybe he sorta qualifies though? He was quite the pretty-boy in the Whedonverse...)
Yeah, Marsters is--not femme, but definitely pretty, or at least was. (He's roughened a bit post-Buffy I'd say)
and yes, Anthony Stewart Head, how remiss of me... Actually there were these great (in theory) black and white stills of this very homoerotic looking version of rope which had, get this, Barrowman, Tony Head, -and- Alexis Denishof (aka Wesley). alas, I concluded they were too grainy to mean much to anyone who wasn't already a fan of the actors.
oh, thanks, thene, yeah, I was wondering about that. will fix.
and yeah, I have a similar sort of flexible policy. I mean Barrowman/Jack is your classic male-beauty type, not usually my thing, but he's charming and funny and -gay- enough that--well, I wouldn't kick 'im out...besides, he's like the ultimate pansexual...
and I like a sort of handsome boy next door look sometimes, as you can see; just, irl they'd have to have hold my interest for long. but I mean, top photo? nice to look at...
truthfully it's also where slash comes in: a lot of men that do nothing for me on their own, paired up with another guy? hubba hubba. curious phenomenon, that.
er, that's "Rope," the Hitchcock thing.
Tom: oh har har. Actually I could've included Paul McGann or Davison. even Eccleston: not really my type, but I can see the appeal, fer sher.
anyone but coat-what-looks-like-someone-threw-up-on-it. I'd infinitely prefer Harknell.
actually I was tempted to post some Patrick Troughton together with the adorable twink in the kilt, Jamie...
HOLY MOTHER OF GOD how have I not known that there's John-Barrowman-on-James-Marsters action on Torchwood? *passes out*
"Kiss Kiss Bang Bang," ep 2.1
Oh boy...John Barrowman in a kilt. I think I just sinned.
I vote: Michael C Hall & Matthew St. Patrick--but only in a fanfic sorta way. :)
No offense, but these guys are NOT my type at all. (Where are the rock stars?)
anyone but coat-what-looks-like-someone-threw-up-on-it. I'd infinitely prefer Hartnell.
I take it you are referring to one of the fabulous Baker boys. Tom or Colin? They were both big "Yellow Submarine" fans, apparently.
Colin was worse. Tom wore schmattes, but that coat they had Colin Baker gads.
Daisy--no offense. post some! join ze part-ay!
can't say I find either Pertwee or McCoy terribly inspiring either, although I did like Pertwee's fop velvet jackets. McGann looked better in 'em anyway.
I bow in awe of your picture-finding skills. The black nail polish! Aiee! *is done in*
There are actual full on Rocky Horror ones with him as Frank N Furter, no shit. alas, the pics weren't quite all they could've been, I thought. for that matter--well, the hair was a bit...scary. anyway.
But Pertwee had some of the best dialogue.
Jo (entering the tardis for the first time): "It's bigger on the inside than it is on the outside."
Doctor (keeping straight face): "Yes, Jo. You see, the tardis is dimensionally transcendent."
Jo (speaking for us all): "What does that mean?"
Doctor: "It means that it's bigger on the inside than it is on the outside."
I definitely need to watch more Classic 'Oo. I just saw the very first ep not long ago. fun stuff. I think I like the -very- old ones better than some of the later (i.e. Coat Of Many Colors) eras.
I'll say this for Hartnell: he can work a fez something fierce.
...yeah, Four/Tom Baker's wardrobe isn't that ghastly actually, just kind of ungepatchket, you know. at least the color scheme doesn't make me want to soak my head so much. also the scarf-flinging kind of works.
Oh, what'd I see recently with him--the first Davros one, all eighty billion parts. I gotta say, annoying as some of RTD's schmaltz can be, I think people who say the old stuff was so much better are strictly going on nostalgia.
I mean--well for one thing it could've been a -lot- shorter. And while the technical cheesiness is clearly part of its charm (I nearly lost my shit when the evil!Scallop! or whatever it was put in its appearance--twice!), there's just something about the, well, what -would- you call it:
(something like) "Curses! We've dropped the Super Important Bangle Without Which We Cannot Escape The Doomed Planet!"
"--Oh, okay, here it is in the middle of the hall, whew!"
I mean, there is a certain, shall we say, lack of dramatic tension, when on the whole none of the Sinister Nazis -or- Righteous Revolutionaries seem all that terribly bright.
Rebel Scientist Dude to Other Rebel Scientist Dude: "Here is our top secret plan! I shall tell it to you in low tones (here in the middle of the workplace, where Davros' right-hand lackey couldn't possibly be hiding around the corner and eavesdropping) for extra-secrecy!"
(two minutes later)
Goering Impersonator: "You know, I may seem like a die-hard Sinister Nazi-alike, but I must tell you in confidence, I am concerned about Davros' Evil Plans. What are we to do, hein?"
Cunning Rebel Scientist: "Oh yayz, another defector. Well, you're not alone! Welcome aboard the Revolutionary train, comrade! p.s. sssshhhh."
Not-Goering-Really: "Ah, excellent. Meet me in a small dark crawlspace where we can safely discuss your...little plan."
Wily Revolutionary: "Good idea!"
...and so on.
Belle, I think you've been watching more Who that is good for you.
By the way, do you know what Tardis stands for?
That's right. Trite Acronyms Really Do Impress Simpletons.
wow, that add for twinsets was totally hot. It's rare to see a male female couple where the male body is so openly on display like that. That is exactly the kind of thing I want to see more of.
Tom: you can't tell me what to dooooo!!! --um, oh, sorry. ahem. anyway.
carpenter: yeah, that was precisely what I liked about that one, too. on display and, to boot, -not- in a sort of manly beefcake-y way that's pretty typical in gay male pr0n as well as straight: he looks like he's, well, surrendering. which is hawt in my book.
i would say we need to start a fan club but i'm sure there are millions already.
and how come you have so many corean guys i've never heard of! (not that we all know each other or anything..)
cribbed most of those from the awesome skywardprodigal (link in OP and/or in post below). didn't know him before, but hubba hubba, indeed.
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