Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I Blame the Goyim

Yet another angle on Why The World Is Sick Sick Sick, I Long Passionately If Incoherently For A Whopping Great Upheaval (and yes, surprise, once again it boils down to the slutty way women dress these day). "FrumTeens."

This world is getting sicker by the minute! It seems like the goyim have no shame! In the summer, they prance around in tank tops and worse. The whole point is that you should see the body. What's the point of that? Why do they want the guys to sin? And their lives, tv shows, books, revolves around one word, i would say it but i can't, ecspecially on these boards , if you know what i mean. They are so corrupt, it make me sick. They don't know what purity means. Even the kids, all they care about is getting new toys and clothes 'cuz that's all they teach their kids to care abou. And as soon as the kids come home from school, they rush to the tv like they can't live without it. Okay, i'm not saying i'm so perfect either. i listen to goyish music so i'm not saying they are the only ones who sin but if you would just look around and see the IMMORALITY this world is bathed in, I mean, even on the city bus, the advertisements have to have unclothed dirty people on it. We are all on such a low madraigah, the world can't get much worse before mashiach comes, can it?!

I know they're just kids, and are about as far from my own decidedly secular upbringing as possible; still, I find myself vicariously cringing a bit. A shonda, yes, I suppose. Just not the way they think it is. Particularly when the mods get around to explaining, why no, "goyim" is not at all derogatory, and for that matter neither is "schvartze."
By the standards they're using, neither is "kike;" hey, "kikeleh" (probably) just meant "little circle," right?



Renegade Evolution said...

Gah, my people!

Unknown said...

When I was a kid my parents used to insist "schvartze" wasn't derogatory, just descriptive. "And besides, schvartzes don't know the word," they'd add. Drove me nuts.

Rootietoot said...

I'll bite. What's a schvartze?

Rootietoot said...

I know schwartze is German for black...is that what that means?

Anonymous said...

Some of my relatives use "yehudi" for "Jew" but they figured out that they shouldn't do it in public because many Jews can probably instantly recognize the word.

Anonymous said...

It's the Arabic word, you know, so anyone who's studied even a little Qur'an knows it.

Daisy Deadhead said...

When I was a kid my parents used to insist "schvartze" wasn't derogatory, just descriptive. "And besides, schvartzes don't know the word," they'd add. Drove me nuts.

Ever since BLAZING SADDLES, they do know, as do the rest of us.

"They're even darker than we are!"

S.L. Bond said...

(I'm a different Daisy from the first poster, just for clarification.)

belledame222 said...

oh, hello! lol! Daisy Daisy! good to see you, uh, ODIM Daisy. (i can tell from the icon).

yeah, i think goyim is...well, not super reverent, but not inherently ZOMG OFFENSIVE. but, the way in which they were talking about them kind of nails home the derogatory thing, at that site i mean, i would say.

S.L. Bond said...

Yeah, it was pretty clearly derogatory there, for sure. And it's not a word I use, nor is WASP, anymore. I accidentally said something about WASPs to my white Anglo Saxon Protestant girlfriend, and yikes, did I ever feel like a jerk.

little light said...

Well, in my family, "goy" sometimes comes up ironically, but it's not a nice thing to say. When my father started dating, his parents firmly told him, "A shiksa, maybe--a schvartze, never." ...he brought home a brown Catholic, but go figure, right? When I first heard that story, anyhow, it clarified a lot of my nuclear family's treatment by my grandparents.

As to WASP, I have a friend who pretty cheerily identifies that way, and since we rib each other constantly, I end up using the term, at least her-wards, plenty. I've never heard it used in a derogatory way before.

Also, Mandos...it's not just the Arabic for "Jew." The Hebrew word sounds awfully, awfully similar, their being sister languages and all...so no Qur'anic study necessary. A little Torah will suffice.

little light said...

The one that's always made me edgy is, of course, JAP. I have East Coast Jewish friends who cheerily toss the acronym around, pronounced "jap," to refer to the stereotypical Jewish American Princess type, but as a Northwesterner, I can only hear the word as a racial slur against Japanese folks. Cringing, every time.

Kind of a shame, since I wish there were a better way for my friends to make fun of me along those lines. You know, without the Asian American in me reflexively throwing punches.

Anonymous said...

New Definition

Goitre (verb): to hang around with gentiles.

Rootie -

The German word for black is schwarz without a "t", but it isn't racially derogatory when used as an adjective - no more than "black" is in English. The usual offensive epithet is "Neger", for which there must be a similar sounding yiddish equivalent.

Shlomo Steiner said...

"Goyim" and "schvartze" are not derogatory terms, I think people should pay more attention to the context in which they are used.

belledame222 said...

Mildred, you outdo yourself. I...yeah. Words fail.

Anthony Kennerson said...

Oh, gee, RM....and I had just taken you off my (s)hit list, too.



Anonymous said...

I'm always the last to know which sites are part of the Conspiracy. It's so unfair. [pout]

Alon Levy said...

Well, Steven Pinker says (and I don't completely agree) that it's common for euphemisms to become deprecated over time; hence negroes become blacks and then African-Americans, and slums become ghettos and then inner cities. Analogously, the Indo-European words for bear and wolf underwent multiple corruptions and euphemisms (the English word derives from "brown"), which is why they're so different across different IE languages.

Octogalore said...

RM, your point in repeating that "joke" would be... what exactly?

I personally don't see one.

Trinity said...

Rm, I know you like skirting the line of total offensiveness, but you've just polevaulted over it with that one.

R. Mildred said...

Oh, gee, RM....and I had just taken you off my (s)hit list, too.

Well I hope you understand the stuff about the highheels better, if you want to stand next to me it does help sooth my conscience somewhat if I know you can run the hell away without breaking your foot in the process when the need arises.

Rm, I know you like skirting the line of total offensiveness, but you've just polevaulted over it with that one.

No shit sherlock. And to think I did it by accident as well!

And I don't, actually, skirt the line of total offensiveness on a routine basis, actually, so far I've got two things, both of them said out of anger, so far, that polevault thusly.

I do admittedly pant controversy now and again, but that's completely different.

RM, your point in repeating that "joke" would be... what exactly?

I personally don't see one.

Yes but you can safely assume that I had one neh? Do colors exist for the blind after all, or is our vision merely a dream they have? Otherwise you're assuming a sort of existential randomness on my part that I don't think is strictly speaking possible.

You might take the position that by even deigning to think overly about my motivations you are overly legitimising my actions, and henceforth validating bigotry, but judging by how we approach far right democrats, their centrist allies, and more specifically Heart and Lucknkl, we see that this isn't the done thing in the blogosphere at this current point in time.

So that leaves you with the question of what my point must have been, because you can't just point and mock and laugh and in all ways maul my petty idiocies. Because that would be impolite.

But I'll let you figure it out, because all my possible motivations are visible from where you're sitting (unless a mackeral snapper is wearing one of those stupid cockshaped hats of theirs and blocking the view).

So I'll just leave you with another little joke, omg, this one is really funny too, even y'all humorless PC thugs will laugh.

Okay, so you're in a bar when a man with brown eyes and dark curly hair walks in.
The bar tender, who also has brown eyes and dark curly hair, looks him up and down and tells him; "We don't serve schvartzes in here."

To which the man replies; "That's okay, I don't eat them"

What do you do?

(go into the toilets to rape and murder a transperson of course, after all, you're not gay or nothing, are you?)

Oh well, I'm gonna go and hollow out Bill O'rly and use his skin as a suit, my obvious talents at saying it like it is and saying things which are funny, because they are also happening to be true are wasted on you humorless lot.

Honestly, I don't find it offensive at all...

Have you ever been interested in being one my "best friends who is"? I can offer $10 per character reference you provide, a very good rate in the current over saturated market.

Renegade Evolution said...

okay, wait, wait...

RM's joke can be funny but I take shit for liking "300"?


Huh, my Jewish self ain't laughin'.

Anonymous said...

Funny how "purity" always comes down to what women are allowed to do with their bodies...