Yes, Scott McClellan is leaving his gig as press secretary. I don't know what his next move will be, but I'm fairly certain it won't be poster boy for the "Never Let 'Em See You Sweat" deodorant ads.
Rumored replacement possibilities include Victoria Clark, which would be KICK-ASS. Think of all the opportunities for the Ladies Against Feminism to instruct her! Deportment, body language...fashion. Anyway, it is NOT VERY LADYLIKE to melt peoples' eyeballs.

Uhhhhh.... what the hell is she wearing? Did she just get back from your stint on "Laugh In"? Where's Goldie?
Sadly, as I recall, that was one of her more tasteful ensembles. Oh I SO HOPE we get her.
...her oeuvre on public relations is entitled "Lipstick on a Pig." Bless her heart.
Ooo, I just thought of a good speech bubble to put next to McClellan head in his picture:
"Duh, I ken cownt ta ten"
I know, it's mean, but I couldn't resist. It seems more and more it's not only words the press are using in unflattering ways, but picture choice as well. The picture of Rumsfeld scratching his ear was up for a couple of days everywhere. It was funny.
Cool. A Steve Goodman reference. The blogosphere needs more of these!
lol esp at burning your eyeballs out and lipstick on a pig....i needed a good laugh tonight, so thanks!
good god alrighty . this would be time for the rats and the sinking of th ships no? except i find it hard to tell teh difference between the rats the ship and t he bullshit
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