As I believe I was saying some time ago, I do not get all these newfangled multiplayer fourth-dimensional type video games. I am of the old school. I like little blobs shooting or eating other little blobs. Flee the monsters and eat all the dots; shoot all the bugs before they swarm all over you; this, I understand.
so, because i am also cheap and lazy, it pleases me no end that there are some sources wherein you can play these-type games online, for free, without annoying registration, even.
This is actually a pretty decent mock-up of the old classic, Frogger.
and here, we have a wide selection of free games, of various sorts.
Some are kind of creepy ("Kindergarten Killer??") and some are just kind of, well, abstract ("Red Chef," wherein you splat all the bad red chefs with ice cream; "Small White Lymphocyte," wherein you "protect the newly transplanted heart from the bad bacteria.")
however, I am sheepishly fond of two variants on classics:
Sheep Invaders
oh, c'mon. it's Friday afternoon. you KNOW you want to...just look around furtively, turn the sound way down, and...
Yeah v. 'Nuff said.
There are some super-cute new little tiny blobs games too. I just found this one, from Sweden (you download it, but it's free).
You know, my husband bought the boys an X-box last year. The first game he got for them was a collection of "Atari Classics".
I bet you would LOVE to know how I got THE OREGON FUCKIN' TRAIL to run on my laptop. Yes, I bet you would. 2 words: Apple Emulator.
I haven't been this happy since the 5th grade.
For me, the reason the "newfangled multiplayer fourth-dimensional type video games" are so overwhelming is because the 2D games for regular nintendo trained me to always be looking out for secret passages, warps and hidden items. Well, the new games are so detailed and, well, big-seeming that I feel like there could be a secret passage or hidden item anywhere. How will I know whether I've accomplished every little task in the game? Oh oh. And another thing. Camera angle. I don't want to have to play any game where I have to change the camera angle in order to accomplish goals. I'm not a director or a sharpshooter. If just SEEING in the game is that complex, for me, it's too complex.
i downloaded a bbc emulator a while ago, to play old adventure games. you know, the text only ones?
There's actually a text only emulator out there somewhere, that plays all the old Zork games and the new text only adventures that some people make for free (which are supposedly good - I don't like text only adventure, if it ain't got at least a mouse interface I cna't get into it)
Home of the underdogs has links and downloadables, but mind hte pop ups.
New-fangled video games on top-spec platforms freak me out. Give me Minesweeper any day.
What about Hitchhiker's Guide? I remember when somebody told me I should take every item I saw, and I was like, "Ohhhh!"
one word: isketch.
I've got a SNES emulator, a playstation emulator, an N64 emulator, and a gameboy emulator. I can play super mario world, all of the donkey kongs, Mario 64, and any number of old platform games. Love it!
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