Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Good to know

Satan's bowels began to churn and growl, and they began to give him awful pain. Then he felt a strong urge to expel excrement. When he did so, it gave off the most awful smell. His excrement is the american constitution and its amendments.

some other things you should know:

The musical "Beauty and the Beast" made by atheist homosexual heathens at Walt Disney is designed to subtly create tolerance in the foolish american society for BESTIALITY !

There is no such thing as a "pacifist." Every "pacifist" is a muderer according to God's righteous Law.

Insane sympathy for homosexuality is partly due to the deception successfully imposed upon the society by the demonic catholic religion.

demo cracy ----- demo N cracy ----- DEMONCRACY. Now you know the origin of democracy. It is none other than SATANOCRACY

In almost evey case when you see a "beatiful" female - young or old in america you are looking at a SLUT.

Blacks have never understood how blessed it is to be outcasts in the american society.

Almost all if not all of the places called "churches" in america are none other various gateways to hell. Notice how numerous they are and how easily accessible they are. You don't need to drive to another city. There's one down the road or around the street corner. Notice how welcome you are. You can choose to enter the gates of hell with the rich or with the poor. Satan bars no one. Proof that most if not all of the "churches" are various gates to hell is seen from the little impact they have on the american society in curbing the prevailence of immorality in the midst of their prominence.

You may not have actually given it much thought, but the american government not only allows pornography, but also actually copyrights it for the criminals who make it. A lot of the smut on the Internet has actually been copyrighted by america's government. So you see, it is moral criminals who think america is a great nation. America's entire economy is largely run off immorality. There's not much here for truly righteous people to love, is there

The only people who will say that people have the right to believe the way they want to believe are people who do not have the truth themselves.

Much more crank-addled Calvinism at the site, if you're into that sort of thing.


Anonymous said...

"The only people who will say that people have the right to believe the way they want to believe are people who do not have the truth themselves."

This is the most profound and interesting statement there.

Renegade Evolution said...

heheh, that was both amusing & entertaining, thanks BD~

Anonymous said...

wow. That's very special.

A White Bear said...

These are adorable. Although, why do you call them Calvinism? Do they have some relationship with Calvin?

If it's just crazy American Christian crankery, I feel like we should absolve a very sincere and intellectual C17 theologian of the blame.

belledame222 said...

o, the "elite" business, you know; call it neo-Dominionist something or other if you prefer. just unlike most of the cwazy "come to Jesus or PERISH!" stuff wherein they at least make gestures at "everyone can enter the Kingdom if you only repent"

belledame222 said...

anyway i did specify that it was -on meth-.

Anonymous said...

He appears to be a Reconstructionist They tend to think that Dominionism isn't hardcore enough.

belledame222 said...

Phelps is real. this guy...well, who knows. all i know is if you put that much time and effort into a persona, it already is...something.

Anonymous said...

I read this somewhere, in relation to what I can't remember...maybe the real question is - why do people wish to believe what they claim to believe?

Anonymous said...

In almost evey case when you see a "beatiful" female - young or old in america you are looking at a SLUT.

The disgusting part about this is that a guy I work with actually said this to me the other day -- and meant it.

Rootietoot said...

"The only people who will say that people have the right to believe the way they want to believe are people who do not have the truth themselves."

Well that just totally opposes everything I have ever said. Phooey. Where's my Bible?

Alon Levy said...

Don't Reconstructionists claim they support the original American values that liberals have usurped? Or is it just Dominionists?