National Drunk Blogging Day is almost upon us!
Do not fret over the War On National Drunk Blogging Day people, the ones who would like to appropriate it for their own sinister purposes, like Regional Monged on Bongs Blogging Day, or Neighborhood Fire Up the Crack Pipe and Laugh Till Dawn Week. There is only one true National Drunk Blogging Day, and that is...uh...this one. Yes. December 29. Ho, ho, ho.
Oh, yes: Merry That Other Holiday, and all the other ones, too. and to all a good night.
Well, it's nice to see you have your priorities in order.
what if we don't drink? Do we have to stay off the computer and suck our thumbs? Or can we still fire up the bong?
I say "National Drunk/Drugged-up Blogging Day". That way, we can keep "NaDruBloDa" and be all-inclusive. Plus, some of us double dip, as it were. 8^D
How bout National Self-Medicated Blogging Day?
The acronym may conflict with National Sado-Masochistic Blogging day, but let's shoot the moon!
Sorry, but I gotta post this:
Word verification: ozndt
I wanted to go to Oz, but Ozndt. Sorry.
Season's salutations!
Is December 30 Erase the Previous Day's Post Day?
Or is it Apologize to Everybody for Acting a Fool Day?
I've been known to blog more than once under the influence (but not of alcohol).
Surely this doesn't mean that the other 24-7-364 are sober? I cannot believe.
Oops (hick!), I started early. LOLOL!
Happy whatever day to you and yours, belledame!
Verification word: otwlvdkh
On The Whole Love Vodka Hour!
god, i'm looking forward to that.
FSM, I'm square.
You are craaazy.
Thats hot
NaDruBloDa has no rules. Howver, if you'd like your posts to be read by other, similarly chemically altered persons, go to NaDrBloDa.blogspot.com and "register" in the comments section, so your name can be put on the rolls.
Chiming in late here, but happy whatever you celebrate or don't celebrate to you, BD.
I just realized that I have to work until midnight on Friday, so my contribution will have to be early Saturday morning.
r.mildred, we always need designated readers...so you can play too, if you like.
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