Wednesday, May 23, 2007

gah. i hate that dream.

that one where my teeth keep coming out? or are about to come out?

i hate that dream.


Renegade Evolution said...

i have that same one on occasion...also hate it.

Alon Levy said...

I have it repeatedly, too... though what exactly happens to my teeth varies. Sometimes they come out. Sometimes a few get broken. Once my entire set of bottom teeth popped out.

I blame my mom for instilling within my the notion that I have good teeth (though unlike you, Ren, I never thought of it in class terms; I only learned about the teeth/class connection fairly recently).

Anonymous said...

hm. Usually, in the dream, I start out with no teeth! Then I worry about going leaving the house.

J. Goff said...

Never had that dream. The one I have all the time is where I've lost the bones in my arms, but they're still attached, like dead weight, and slowly becoming gangrenous. Typically, I'm also about to do something important, for which, you know, I would need my arms. Weird what our unconscious does...

Rootietoot said...

mostly I dream about some natural disaster sweeping my family away from me forever. I always have that right before a serious mania hits.

Anonymous said...

I've heard that it's a reaction to stress, specifically gritting one's teeth while asleep. I've also heard is has something to do with the mechanisms of speaking and being heard, and anxiety about that.

Anonymous said...

A dream where your teeth are coming out? Are your teeth trying to tell you something? And, shame on you for keeping them in the closet for so long.

Clio Bluestocking said...

I get that one too. My teeth rot and crumble in my mouth. Also, I get a similar one where my hair falls out in clumps. I think it is stress. Someone once told me it has to do with impotence, or feeling powerless.

belledame222 said...

With me, it feels embarassment, or maybe loss of control, or something. Like, I didn't take proper care of them, and -now- look what's happening. (And, recently, the dentist's gonna charge some astronomical amount of money to put it right, and I'm stuck somewhere in travel/transit and can't get to him for a while anyway).

I had a really rather disturbing dream last night, I think perhaps not unrelated to the current brouhaha, although it involved men.

Trinity said...

I get that one too.

Veronica said...

UGH. Yeah, me too. Then I wake up and have do a tooth-check to make sure they're all still in there.

Anonymous said...

I've always been told that it's about loss of control, too (and when I was having the dream, it made sense).

When I have it, the teeth themselves are actually in great shape- they're straighter and whiter than mine have ever been. In my dream, they just sort of start coming loose- like my jaw is turned to gum or someting. When I talk, they start moving around in my mouth and falling out, and I try to hold them in, and I can't. It's horrifying.

Amber Rhea said...

I hate that too!! I have that one a lot... never ceases to be terrifying.

I remember reading something once, a long time ago, that was trying to say that dream was supposed to be about your mother. I don't remember how they came up with THAT conclusion.

belledame222 said...

Isn't everything?

-As- it happened, today I get in the mail a reminder from my dentist that I'm due for a checkup.

Amber Rhea said...

Isn't everything?

Yeah, pretty much.

Good luck at the dentist. I always hate going and being there, but am happy w/ how nice and clean my teeth feel afterward. I had a few pretty traumatic dental experiences as a kid, so I probably dread it more than a lot of people - and that horrible dream is even more horrible!

Alon Levy said...

I think in my case it's a question of irreversibility. Broken arms mend; rotten teeth don't.

belledame222 said...

yeah, there's this terrible sense of -loss-, somehow. also embarrassment; everyone will see.

Anonymous said...

Whenever I have dreams like that my teeth aren't just falling out, they're actively crumbling and chipping apart in my mouth and for some reason no amount of brushing makes it better. I hate dreams like those.

belledame222 said...

yeah, lately it's more like, they're loose, hanging by a thread, and I think if I just don't disturb it too much it might hold (sort of like this craptastic office chair I have here that falls apart every two minutes); but then, I have to keep wiggling it, or it just comes loose anyway.

Anonymous said...

Once, my version of the teeth dream had my teeth crumble away and sand then poured out of the sockets. It felt strange (an understatement).