Commentor LMYC offers the following metaphor for the impossibility of consenting to one’s oppression:
Someone with mental illness could come up to me tomorrow, literally ask me to light them on fire, and say, “But I’ll ENJOY it so it’s okay!”
Mmm. The stupid…it sustains me. Despite many trips to the ward as a kiddo, i can tell you something I never saw, or even heard of. Someone lighting themselves on fucking fire to kill themselves. I heard just about everything else, including a whole lotta folk who burned themselves in a limited fashion as a practice of self-injury. How many folk do you know outside of Buddist war protestors who have set themselves (or asked random bystanders to) on fire? Really?
Or was that just a reflexive cheap shot on how scary those mentally ill people are who don’t ask you to set them on fire but make you uncomfortable by their very existance?
Congratulations, scary lady, you win the “Why Don’t You Lay Down Right Here While the Bus Goes Over You” award, which remembers all the things people have said to scuttle the struggle for human dignity in the name of promoting human dignity.
All I have to say is I dunno about -that-, but at this point I'm fairly certain that if -some people- already -were- on fire, I would not, in fact, piss on them. Even if they asked.
and IF you had a brother, would HE like herring, and say how many pinheads can dance on the head of a seraph, and at what point does the possibly mythical but still annoyed creature just say "fuck this" and go get a shampoo and a bottle of Advil?
Advil? Pass the morphine!
friday chuckles all around.
I understand the Advil, but what's the shampoo bottle for? Might wanna go for something a smidge stronger than Advil, though.
In happier news, did you guys know today is No Pants Day?
Also, pssst, your link to Sly Civilian is broken. Missing an S.
amber: thanks for uh both tips
AW: you know, "I'm gonna wash those dancing angels/pinheads right outta my hair, I'm gonna..."
LMYC? I've seen that name before. Where have I seen that name before? IBTP, maybe?
In any case...screw the Advil, I want a martini. I think old miseryguts over there should have to pay for a round for all of us mythical creatures.
old miseryguts!
alcohol gives me more of a headache tho', at least when taken without food.
Belle - Dinner first, drinks later (or during), such is the traditional way of things.
PS Red wine gives me headaches, too.
no pants day! yay!
Cassandra: feast your eyes upon this.
"I fall within that slice of humanity that is considered “beautiful.” ... it is most emphatically not something that deserved admiration. On any plane. It’s a birth defect in reverse. ...
It would be nice to find someone (women for me) who could acknowledge what I look like without ending up hanging a ton of baggage off of it..."
It kind of speaks for itself, but it actually stuck in my head because it's so completely confused, hypocritical, and depressing, all at the same time.
octo, hand me a barfbag...
LMYC, the ex-BDSM-dominant who has now moved on to bigger and better things: intimidating all who annoy her.
bored now.
"ex" sexual anythings always seem so -well adjusted.- ex gay, ex kink, ex...
just saw the link...yeah, it was from a certain spinster aunt's place.
i just won't link directly's not worth making her delete the trackback.
oh, does she do that? heh.
i just don't read her anymore. i mean, i try not to do it at all; it is hard not to read and respond when people i -do- read quote and talk about her shit; but, i'm working on it.
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