via Shouty Lucy, for once, a type of crusted-over reactionary we -don't- get quite so much over here: an octogenarian Tory with a monocle and a "Sir" in front of his name, sputtering about how much better telly was when it wasn't run by women with all their -female- concerns:
"The trouble is the BBC now is run by women and it shows soap operas, cooking, quizzes, kitchen-sink plays. You wouldn't have had that in the golden days."
"I would like to see two independent wavelengths - one controlled by women, and one for us, controlled by men."
He claimed that interesting programmes were screened too late at night, and said he would "rather be dead in a ditch" than appear on Celebrity Big Brother. And asked about his favourite series, Sir Patrick said he no longer enjoyed certain programmes because of their modern storylines.
"I used to watch Doctor Who and Star Trek, but they went PC - making women commanders, that kind of thing. I stopped watching."
"By Jove, the old boy's got a point! An idiotic one, but a point. God save the Queen! What the BBC wants are stories with backbone, none of your modern milk-and-water namby-pamby programmes. Jorrock's, now that's far more the sort of thing. Good solid virile stuff, get some air into your lungs. Pass the port."
...I especially like that a "BBC spokesman"
described Sir Patrick as being one of TV's best-loved figures and said his "forthright" views were "what we all love about him"
He's a -lovable- crusty old sexist fart.
What, they don't get "Spike TV" in the UK?
I love Spike TV! EVEN WITH all the stripper chicks in the commercials (not being offended by stripper chicks and all)...
Plus, they show CSI and star trek ALL the time.
Um, yeah, way more my speed than "lifetime"...
Oh I am cursed to deviant status for all time!
maybe we should just plonk Sir Whosis down at the NASCAR track, or maybe World Wrestling; I'm sure he'd feel right at home, really...
I told my brother and my mum about this, and made a point to mention that had Pa Pa PaPaPaPatrick Moore's comments been about race, instead of sex, he would have been disgraced and never seen on TV again. Which is odd really, because Im having trouble differentiating between the two.
Still, it could all just be a devious plot by Ol'Patrick to get Gamesmaster back on tele, where he can take up his old role of a disembodied head.
Yeah, Okay youre pissed your astronomy channel was on so late (Duh, when do the stars come out?). Calm down, cut out the sexist shit and go play your xylophone in your room!
They make other Andy Rooney Models? With MONOCLES?
Who'd have guessed?
BD: I dunno about WWE, actually, cause sometimes the women 'rasslers beat up on the male 'rasslers, and SURELY that would not meet with his approval. To feminist, having women beating up the men. Nascar and perhaps, the Man Show?
but so tawdry, all of that. one doesn't approve.
maybe Ben Stein would be acceptable; except, well, he can be -vulgar,- too, can't he. all that blunt talk about money, you know.
Veronica: Cylons! Cylons are everywhere!...
Ummm, what about one of the most un-pc shows of all time, Ab-Fab?
Granted, it's mostly about 2 cheeky women, but god damn if i don't love a good ab-fab marathon.
BD: I've got it! THE GOLF CHANNEL!!!
Oh gawd...the Golf Channel... My people watch that. gaaaag.
Spike's great tho- I wonder why Sir HuffinPuff hasn't seen it.
Speed channel's good too- Monster Trucks every night at 6.
yes! Monster trucks! he'd get so excited his monocle'd fall out!
Really? A monocle?
I'm just delighted that there's a guy who actually wears a monocle.
dude: that's -him- in the picture.
he may or may not be camping it up there deliberately, I expect, but still: CLASSIC.
Hey, Patrick Moore! I've been watching him on telly since I was five years old! Have you heard his voice yet? I'm pretty sure there are clips of him on Youtube. I'll just check...
Yes, there's loads. And he's wearing his monocle in all of them.
And no he's not camping it up. He's been dressing and behaving like that since before camp was invented. And as for his voice - he just couldn't be putting it on. I mean, the words seem to be coming out of his armpits or something. His mouth closes, but the voice doesn't stop.
Star Trek was PC from day one... it's easy to forget how contentious it was to feature a black officer and a Russian officer. So yeah, eventually the saga moved from racial tokenism to gender tokenism. It's nothing to get excited or agitated about.
Shit, I remembered it and linked it in a comment at feministing, so why not here?
He's a silly old codger and the BBC are even sillier for giving him attention.
I think they should have sent him down the worm-hole to Vega instead of Jodie Foster. That would have made for some really confused aliens, though.
On the other hand, he would have had more sexual chemistry with Matthew McConaughey than she did.
Patrick Moore is actually well loved for being one of the few people on earth who still wears a monocle, and being a astronomer, which is what he is.
Why anyone would be interveiwing him on his issues on TV programming, I have no idea.
Men should remain in the playpen where they belonged. I mean, when they were children they were put into a playpen. What does that tell you about their nature? I can't stand the fact that the same people who were so happy to play in jolly fashion amongst themselves, one time, should presume to make comments about this that and the other, even unto the point of presuming to rule the worl. What would a real adult like his mother have to say about it!!!?
Bah, well, the BBC aims too much of its stuff at specific demographics, in my opinion, which is why so much of its programming is poor quality. If they focussed less on directing TV at niches and simply concentrated on good programming, I suspect the goodly Sir Patrick would have less to complain about. The BBC does put out a load of shit at the moment, though...
I find it hard to be offended, exactly, by Patrick Moore, sexist twat though he may be. He's something of a Brit institution and, like the equally foul, but nonetheless amusing Boris Johnson, being eccentric and un-PC has made his career what it is. It's almost expected of him.
I don't know much or really care much about Sir Patrick Moore...but someone needs to tell him that Uhura was an actual officer on the Star Trek bridge (as in Lieutanant).
And as for the WWE...well, even when they were still the WWF, you had women who could kick some of the menz' ass back in the day, too...remember Chyna??
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