I'm with Zan. Pink is fierce and hot, here. And o yeah: one kickass femme.
and yeah; anyone else relate to this one? Sometimes you really just want to go out and get your groove on. Alone. Maybe even with lipstick on. Maybe even in a straight bar!
Maybe you even can!
Wacky notion; to just declare what you want and not take any crap.
And no, it doesn't mean that's always enough to fend off the assholes, all by itself.
But goddam, it couldn't hoit.
No, no, no. She wears lipstick. She's not *actually* liberated.
I'm with Sly C. I think she's looking a tad oppressed there.
You know what, I just thought of this. There is, in the Christian community, a certain subset we call Pentacostals/ Charismatics. They are the Uber-conservative types, like they'd be Hasidim if they were Jewish. Anyway, the women have a reputation for being notoriously stepped on by their men. They marry young (16-20), wear long skirts, never cut their hair, and don't wear any makeup. They usually don't work except in menial positions (housekeeper at a hotel, day care center), nor are they educated beyond high school, unless it's to go to a Bible college where they can meet a husband. The whole 'makeup as a tool of oppression' idea reminded me of them.
Interesting. I thought "charismatic" just meant a certain worship style, not necessarily the whole "modesty" route.
...i guess actually that's something the Hasidim share as well, the erm mystic bent, I want to say?
actually the Hasidic movement did not start out as an uber-conservative movement, you know, more of an attempt to get back to the heart (i.e. the mystical heart) of the religion. don't remember when or how the change into what it is today occured.
today Reconstructionist and especially Renewal movements are kind of trying to get at what they orginally were about, in a way, i think.
btw, sly, i'm reminded: did you see the latest Yale alumni magazine? big article on the divinity school and "the revival of the Christian left."
Their worship style is charismatic. They speak in tongues, some way out there types do the snake handling/poison drinking thing. "Holy Roller" is another descriptive, for the way sometimes they fall out in the floor and roll around during worship. They believe themselves to be the Original Church of Peter, not belonging to a denomination, eschewing the use of modern musical instruments, etc. A well executed Pentacostal worship service can be a phenomenal experience.
Rock on, bad girl
Was that the balcony from the last scene of "The Hunger"?
ooh, maybe! dunno, been a long time, and i'm not even sure i watched it all through to the end.
Yeah, I, uh, buh, wha.
I mean, she had me for a new fan after "Dear. Mr. President," but I, guh.
Thanks, Belle. Damn. I, uh, need to go generate some erotoxins, now.
I like that red hair...
Whats the name of the song?
tell em how it is...
pink, is a so good singer,....i love her.....and this song....oh my god its very cool.....
well.people....i hope that all your's will be fine...
Unknown spirit
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