Weird Al wants to roll with the gangstas, but gee whillikers, he is just too darned White and Nerdy.
My rims don't spin, to the con-trary,
I think you'll find they're quite stationary
All my action figures are cherry
Stephen Hawking in my library...
Makes a nice companion piece to "Angry White Boy Polka,...um, yo. Word. Groovy! DY-NO-MITE!
Thanks to zuky for the link.
Ha! I hadn't seen the Angry White Boy Polka video, that's awesome. The frumpy music is hysterical and Al rips into like a dozen whiny white boys in a single song. The guy's a genius.
I’m fluent in JavaScript as well as Klingon.
And wasn't that Oz - pardon me, Seth Green - displaying the action figure collection?
I just told my partner about how much I relate to this video. I just don't have a pocket protector. She's very afraid :)
what is a rim? and why would it spin?
yes! Seth Green!
OK -- now I have wasted a at least 10 minutes on a perfectly beautiful sunny day forwarding links (along with sorry I have written for so long notes) around.
i have sent this to nearly everyone I know...lessie, I go to ren faires, I play D&D, was in the chess club...
and the answer is always KIRK!
woot, nerds rule!
Thank you for this, BD, thank you.
(btw, ROFLMAO to the scene in the begining when he is mowing the lawn and goes to talk to the gangstas and they lock their doors and peel out...classic)
Heh, Weird Al is my homeboy. 8^D
Hee. I approve.
Picard! But then, I like bald-headed men.
(Yul Brynner? Loved him!)
Yeah, I am... more on the geeky side of the nerdiness displayed there ;) X-Men and Star Trek, absolutely! Calculus? Is my Kryptonite.
Wasn't that Donny Osmond shaking his loose-change maker next to Al in that video?
'twas indeed.
and apparently Mom was Judy Tenuta.
Oh you just killed me! omffg that rules. I now understand my own rich cultural heritage oh so much better.
An awful lot of those things apply to me...
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