Monday, September 18, 2006

Out of curiousity: do you remember your dreams?

Do you write them down? How much attention do you pay to them? Ever have a lucid dream? A "nested" dream? A (gulp) pre-recognitive dream?

I'm sort of an agnostic on the latter, but...well, yeah, more thoughts on how that might or might not work at some point. But I mean: I pay attention to synchronicities and suchlike. Those of you who find this sort of talk hopelessly woo-woo, 'scool, but: let's just take it as a given that you find it woo-woo; I kind of want to hear from the folks who maybe don't so much.

Which, but, by all means: talk about dreams, regardless.


Veronica said...

I don't write them down. I do remember them. I lucid dream all the freaking time. I have waking night terrors. I have dreams that are a hell of a lot more fun than reality. I've "woo woo" dreamed (Knew my sister was gonna have a baby.) My subconcious is probably one of the most entertatining things about being alive as me--I like dreaming as much as being awake, even if it's bad dreams. And, I've had some fucking humdingers. Actually, I woke up shrieking like a banshee at about 6 this morning and scared the little kitten.

Bimbo said...

I had one of the best dreams of my life last week. Very simple and very cool. I was looking at the earth from a distance and though I couldn't see any motion I was aware that it was live time. The image moved away - it was someone holding the view screen of my camera up to my eyes. In a conversational tone, they asked, "So how was it?" That's it in it's entirety. I wish I could dream that again and again without foreknowledge.

Anonymous said...

I tend to remember them, but my dreams--like my memory--are so sensory in nature that time dulls them. At one point in high school, I went through a period where I would spontaneously remember decade-old dreams, often vividly. For a time, I endeavored to create a catalog (sadly, now lost) of them all, but eventually stopped.

Anonymous said...

Woo-woo? One of my very favorite topics.

Whether or not I remember my dreams depends on a lot of factors (many nights I have such a rest-deficit that I close my eyes and then promptly reopen them, shocked and really saddened that the alarm is going off, the bastard) but when I get into the habit of writing them down the recall is magically woo-woo, really very cool.

as i come from a long line of crackpots i was introduced very early to dream journaling (also carlos casteneda. and 'zen flesh zen bones', the defining bookends of my 3rd grade year, shit you not). it helps, i swear by it, i heartily endorse it. notebook & pen by the bed, roll over and write it all out. the more iwrite them down the more i remember.

i've had pre-cognitive dreams (in both cases about people close to me betraying me in very mundanely evil ways, how crap is that? thanks a lot, subsconscious. though it was better to know, in the end. ) and one very weird out-of-body dreamstate thing which rocked my socks. lucid dreaming not so much.

Anonymous said...

I don't usually think much about dreams - I remember some, forget others, write some down occasionally if they're hot and involve Nicole Kidman, you know, that sort of thing. But I've had a couple of rather prophetic dreams this summer and they both turned out to be accurate in their predictions of professional success (the first one) and professional failure (the second one - sigh). I had another one of these dreams last night and it seemed like good news; today's potentially a big day for me career-wise. Will things work out the way they want? Or is my subconscious shielding me from disappointment by putting me in a good mood first? History will decide!

transitorrie said...

I occasionally remember mine, they're usually disjointed and don't make much sense. I had a particularly nasty one last night that had me up the rest of the night. Ah stress, it's such a lovely thing for the subconscious to chew on.

antiprincess said...

I am the queen of cool-ass dreams.

one time I dreamed that I found a ledger book belonging to my husband's family, with entries going back to the 19th century - so many eggs sold, so much fabric bought, etc. and when I told my husband's aunt Diane about it, she went "oh, that's in the attic over at grandma's. I should get it down sometime."

And then there was the time that I dreamed my husband had an aunt named "Elna" who came back from the dead to say she was okay. And I said to Aunt Diane - isn't that weird, an aunt named "Elna" - is that even a name?" and she said that her sister Elna died young in a terrible car crash back in the seventies, didn't anyone ever tell me?

woo-woo, indeed. Dead people come back in my dreams all the time. they're all fine.

my favorite was the pregnant with kittens dream. 'cuz who doesn't love kittens?

Cocacy said...

I remember some of them...the particularly striking ones...the rest pretty much fade away as I wake up...

Anonymous said...

I've had one lucid dream, in which I stood in the middle of an empty city street (Matrix style) and made all of the lights turn blue. Then I stood on my head for awhile (totally incapable of that in real life). Woke up before I thought to fly - and have never experienced a lucid dream again. DAMN.

Alice Notley, one of my favorite poets, often writes about dreams, and/or her poems resemble dream fragments; her writing is full of really beautiful and enigmatic language.

rabfish said...

i love following my dreams, they know things long, long before i actually know them, and they tell me things in beautiful symbols. what's a pre-recognitive dream?

belledame222 said...

Dream of something and then it happens, basically.

Anonymous said...

I usually remember dreams when I wake up, but unless they were awesome or really scary, they don't stick. I NEVER lucid dream and am always surprised to wake up. Also, almost none of my dreams involve normal situations or people I know from my actual life, so I've never had pre-cognitive ones either. Most of mine involve me adventuring/righting wrongs/saving the world alone or with a hearty band of compatriots, so they're fun. Occasionally I have a truly bizarre one that disturbs me, like the one where I went to a sex seminar with my family. I seldom have nightmares, but when I do, they make me not want to sleep again. Those are either "investigator who stirs up trouble"-type things, or (once, terrifyingly) I WAS the crazy sexual sadist/black magician/serial killer. Not cool, cause it was only after I woke up that I thought about what I was doing in the dream and was like, "Holy shit, that's hideously wrong!" In the dream, I enjoyed it all.