From Wonkette via armchairshrink:
"Dick Cheney is coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE"
Ok, we’re pretty sure Bush is lying about something or other, but, uh… Dick? What the hell are you doing? Just… creepily hanging out in the bushes? There’s a press conference going on, for chrissakes! You’re freaking out poor Jessica Yellin!
We are going to have nightmares about this for a week. The Vice President is from a goddamn David Lynch dream sequence.
uh, YEAH.
The best part of that for me was, my browser's running really slow, so when i went to play that, Bush's V.O. played at normal speed while the camera just panned away from Dick reaaaaalllly....realllllllly.....s l o oo o w l y. didn't even get to a cut of Bush at all. i thought it was on purpose. "damn, someone in mainstream news is trying to say something. something really, really UPSETTING."
although really, Kubrick couldn't improve upon this, i don't think:

"I've... got... good news. That gun you like... is coming... backinstyle."
Now imagine Dick Cheney in full clown form, the makeup and sad droopy pants and everything.
Holding one lonesome tinfoil baloon, slicing a small child open with his wicked sharp claws.
It happens more than you think.
Now imagine Dick Cheney in full clown form, the makeup and sad droopy pants and everything.
John Wayne Cheney?
Just... not the dog suit from The Shining, okay? I don't think I could handle that.
Never ever lurk in the bushes too long after taking a leak out there.
R. Mildred...you going for the Dr. Rockso reference? in which case, call me terrified.
I do cocaine...
"It," I believe
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