Thursday, March 01, 2007

Oh, what the fuck is it NOW???!

Anyone else getting that INSANELY annoying thing with blogger--here, elsewhere, no particular rhyme or reason where though--where word verification won't, like, give you the actual word? Oh, right! You can't answer!

fuck this, I'm turning it off, for now at least. let the spambots fall where they may, this is SO. ANNOYING.


belledame222 said...

in your FACE, blogger! nyergh.

R. Mildred said...

So who would you rather kick in the teeth, a shark or jessica valenti?

I would kick the shark, because I get bitten by valenti and turned into a werefuckwit, whereas if I get bitten by a shark I will probably not turn into a wereshark.

Also, is "maroon" halal? I mean, it refers to mixed raced people, like quadroon and octaroon, doesn't it, or am I mistaken?

tonkelu said...

Blogger has been pissing me off a lot lately. I'm thinking of moving to Wordpress.

belledame222 said...

I've been thinking about doing that for ages.

i missed some drama i guess. should i ask?

Alon Levy said...

Yeah, Wordpress is better. Just make sure you have the latest anti-spam thingamajig; my other blog home, which didn't, ended up with something like a new publicly visible spam comment per minute at one point.

On a completely different note, the only way you can turn into a werefuckwit is by getting a sex change. The word "were" means "male"; in Old English that was the standard word for a male person, while "man" was gender-neutral.

belledame222 said...


yeah well, i keep bitching about it and pissnmoaning about it; but, i don't do it, and of course the longer i leave it the more i'd have to transfer. Now I have, what, over 600 posts? with comments, and images?

and of course i haven't a fucking clue what i'm doing really...

Northern_Girl said...

I've considered leaving Blogger, too - but what is that old saying that always pissed me off?? Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?

Yeah. Blogger is free - so I deal.

Central Content Publisher said...

You wanted to talk about abuse. So? Where is it?

- aka. Jams

belledame222 said...

oh, hi. I didn't realize that was you--you've posted here before, then. well, welcome (again). well, not in this thread, anyway, unless you count my verbal abuse of fucking blogger. i have done in the past, though. check the tags.

and i will again, but at the moment i'm not feeling up for anything terribly substantial.

belledame222 said...

(there's a tag "abuse," there's also one for "psych" or "psychology," and i'm sure there's more stuff i haven't organized properly, and as soon as this headache goes away i can help you spelunk if you still need help)

Central Content Publisher said...

That's cool. I'll browse the back-log and bide my time - which sounds really ominous, isn't.

Oh, I think I have an old blog attached to this account, but don't bother checking it. I stopped being able to update it (blogger problems), and well, just gave up. Maybe I'll start another at some point.

Anonymous said...

yeah well, i keep bitching about it and pissnmoaning about it; but, i don't do it, and of course the longer i leave it the more i'd have to transfer. Now I have, what, over 600 posts? with comments, and images?

Big deal. I had close to 1600 when I moved. Wordpress actually has an import utility, although you have to do a little bit of prep in your Blogger settings, as well as some cleanup afterwards.

A lot of my posts lost their bolds & italics, all my embedded videos disappeared, and, of course, any internal links to previous posts would be pointing to my old blog. I fixed all of that, but it took a few weeks...

I'm still really digging Wordpress, though. And hey, not only do I have a banner, but I have 6 or 7 banners that *rotate*!

Anonymous said...

To answer your question I routinely have to use the letter thingy two or three times before I can post.

Check Blogger out to see if it has an EXPORT option because if it does that should allow you to export your insights and wit to WordPress which definitely has an Import function.

Anonymous said...

Check Blogger out to see if it has an EXPORT option because if it does that should allow you to export your insights and wit to WordPress which definitely has an Import function.

Exporting is not necessary. Once you've made a few minor settings changes, Wordpress logs into your old blog and just pulls the content right in somehow.

Unfortunately, for me, the import utility timed out several times and had to be restarted, and there were certain posts and comments it didn't skip over, which I then had to manually delete multiple copies of.

Pinko Punko said...

The chundermuffins are getting me down. Goddammit, bd. I can't take it anymore.

Cassandra Says said...

Yup. It intermittently refuses to work for me for hours at a time for no apparent reason.

belledame222 said...

goddam chundermuffins.

yeah, i'd be pissy about losing the videos, and the cleanup, and stuff.

also--is WP free? and how much built-in help wrt design and stuff do they give you?

I think I actually opened a WP account at one point, or started to, but got hung up at the login stage, which didn't bode well.

Anonymous said...

"also--is WP free? and how much built-in help wrt design and stuff do they give you?"

WP is Free. I found a theme I liked and I'm picky and it's works well.

Not only that... I've had up to two readers per day! ;)

ArrogantWorm said...

I've gotten the lack of a verification word exactly once, and that was the day before yesterday. If it's gonna keep doing that, I'm making like a rat on a sinking ship and swimming away to wordpress while my posts are few. Gotta admit though, that the idea of the knowlege that seems to be needed to work wordpress is scary. I'm fairly inept with it now, I don't want it to get worse.

Cassandra Says said...

When people say that WP is complicated to use, what do they mean exactly? Need to learn to code complicated or couple of hours reading the guidelines complicated?
EH, I disabled word verification. It's too much of a pain for everyone involved.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

wow this thing is really messing up. Sorry for the test post but it would not let me post an entire post !


I've been have been computer/technical for many decades now and I have difficulty with easy to use software. I've only been bloggimg for a couple of weeks and every day I look forward to some sign of my faithful two readers... or sometimes one.

There is a lot to Wordpress but I don't think it's complicated. In a day I learned to do the things I needed to do.

belledame222 said...

RM: if it was good enough for Bugs, it's good enough for me.

Anonymous said...

If it helps -- sometimes when blogger does that to me I just hit the audio verification (it's the little wheelchair symbol, which I'm not sure quite what to make of -- I guess if you're blind?) and typing that code in works.

Good luck.

R. Mildred said...

On a completely different note, the only way you can turn into a werefuckwit is by getting a sex change. The word "were" means "male"; in Old English that was the standard word for a male person, while "man" was gender-neutral.

I wanna be a manshark! *uses Patriarchal knives to turn her innie into an outie, and then turns into a shark*

belledame222 said...


nexy said...

actually, the internet has been eating my comments for a few days now, both on blogger with word verification, and elsewhere. it's my lot in life...

R. Mildred said...

Land shark?