Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Quote of the day, 3/28/07

As it happens, I'm an old-fashioned conservative who believes in privacy rights—which is why I'm pro-choice, support same sex marriage, believe drugs should be legalized, and endorse right to die policies...and that makes me a modern progressive. I'm an old-fashioned conservative who believes that everyone can help themselves, given equal opportunities—which is why I support well-funded schools, equal educational opportunities everywhere in America, a strong social safety net, workers' rights, reforming all-or-nothing welfare, jobs programs, and affirmative action until we don't need it anymore...and that makes me a modern progressive. I'm an old-fashioned conservative who believes in family values—which is another reason I'm pro-choice (or, pro-family planning, along with comprehensive sex education) and another reason I support same-sex marriage, along with same-sex parenting, adoption, and fostering, and I support family-first legislation for working parents and elder-care providers, including extended leave for births and deaths and illness, and I relatedly support universal healthcare...and that makes me a modern progressive. Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. It's obvious why the conservative blogosphere doesn't welcome me as a modern conservative.

--Shakespeare's Sister


Anonymous said...

Good thing the conservatives evolved. They wouldn't get far today with a platform like that...

Melissa McEwan said...

Hey, thanks! :-)

Anonymous said...

That quote says everything I feel on a daily basis. Thanks for sharing it.

Renegade Evolution said...

wonderful quote, really. very true, too.

Cassandra Says said...

I think most old-school conservatives are horrified by the direction their party is going in, but just don't know how to fix it. You can already see rumblings of former supporters distancing themselves from what the Republicans are becoming.
Most of my family are old-school conservatives, and they're all horrified by the way things are evolving here.

Alon Levy said...

It's not so much that modern progressives are old-style conservatives as that the Republican Party decided to win elections by placating the crazies. I definitely see myself make the exact same statement in thirty years, only in reverse.

belledame222 said...

SS--welcome! and welcome.